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I was so happy to see Vanessa this morning hosting their spring fashion show. I have hoped for a long time that she would start to get better exposure. She is articulate, pleasant and has a sweet sincerity that I really appreciate.


I also wish that they would feauture Steve Doss more. He too can present with a calmness and easy manner which I like. Even Rosina does a credible job most of the time and I never thought she had a prayer of lasting very long. Also, I miss Terri Conn and hope that she is recovering well and will return when she is ready.







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Re: Vanessa, newer hosts etc.


I really like Vanessa tooSmiley Happy

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Vanessa, newer hosts etc.

I agree with everything you said,  @nevergivesup. I've not seen a lot of Vanessa as I don't watch late at night. But when I was able to catch her presentations a few times I really liked her. Glad to see her this morning! She is lovely.

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Re: Vanessa, newer hosts etc.

@nevergivesup  I also really like Vanessa.  Good to see her during daylight hours on the main channel.


Steve has his own weekly show on the main channel, co-hosting with Mary DeAngelis.  It's Wednesday's at 7:00 am, Morning Connections.  


It's the only show that has it's own announcer introducing the start of the show.  It's similar to the announcers for the Today Show, or Good Morning America.  "...and now, Morning Connections, with your hosts Mary DeAngelis and Steve Gross."

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Re: Vanessa, newer hosts etc.

I also agree about Vanessa and the other hosts mentioned.  These hosts are polite, professional, and easy to watch.  

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Re: Vanessa, newer hosts etc.

I caught Vanessa briefly this morning.  I agree.

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Re: Vanessa, newer hosts etc.

I really enjoy Vanessa as well. She is pleasant without being over the top, she gives pertinent info that we need, and she seems to really enjoy her job....

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Re: Vanessa, newer hosts etc.

Great job, Vanessa!!!

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Re: Vanessa, newer hosts etc.

I like Vanessa a lot, I think she has a pleasant calm voice and generally offers enough information. With that said, I watched her for about 30-40 minutes this morning and in my opinion, she seemed off, kind of like she didn't know what to say and not prepared as well as she usually is. I saw her with Gary and it was only for a short period of time but she didn't seem her comfortable self and there were a couple awkward moments, in my opinion.



But I do feel she is a great, beautiful, well spoken host. 

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Posts: 636
Registered: ‎04-24-2010

Re: Vanessa, newer hosts etc.

@cjm61 I didn't notice any awkwardness with Gary but I was only  on my first cup of coffee lol.


When it comes to the hosts, even those I can't take, I don't expect perfection. It's a stressful job to learn and maintain and I gladly give them space to make a grammatical error or flub a description etc. We're all human and make mistakes.


What drives me away are the long winded personal stories, totally unrelated to the presentation as well as hijacking the entire presentation with the poor vendor standing mute, smiling uncertainly, maybe getting in a few remarks before being shooed away with the "We looove you" shtick. This seems to happen with a few older hosts, not the up and comers. I'm 75 but I say, "Give the younger ones the chance to grow and shine".