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Registered: ‎04-01-2010

Re: Ugh, anyone else sick of endless CIJ shows?

I think it is nice for the customers who want to purchase some Christmas items for their home or food items to send to relatives for the holidays to be able to do so early, and this allows them to do so. If it is not of interest to you you can always change the channel. At Christmas time  I want to concentrate on my decorating, baking, and shopping for my presents and getting them done.  The relatives I send food items too are done and one less thing to worry about. Just my opinion.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Ugh, anyone else sick of endless CIJ shows?

i know why they don't, but part of having things ordered in advance is also to pay for them so you can manage your budget. I would prefer to pay now, and have it taken care of, but it doesn't work that way. Like I said, I get why they don't in case the order changes or doesn't ship, but just ordering something early doesn't really help me.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 608
Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: Ugh, anyone else sick of endless CIJ shows?

That doesn't just include gifts/Christmas products either.  I always prefer to purchase local and items not made in China, but let me tell you-that's HARD if not impossible, EVEN in loca stores.  


And food on QVC is SO expesnive, for me anyway.  Much cheaper in the local stores. 


"I never changed, I just learned."