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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

I watch more HSN recently, so I buy more from HSN recently.  I've never had to return an item back to HSN.  They are always high quality and fit.   Almost everything I've purchased from QVC in the last few years needed to be returned.  Yes, the bloom is definitely "off."

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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

@Lila4Now wrote:

I wanted to add, another thing that sends me away from QVC are the voices of some of the hosts, and one vendor.  A couple have pathological speech problems which make them difficult to understand.  Some yell, who wants to be yelled at in their own home.  Turning down the volume doesn't work, then you can't hear anything else.  We are in our home, not a carnival midway, yelling is nothing but flat out rude!  Some hosts refuse to describe the items.  For a couple of them, I think it's due to lack of preparation, and the fact they have no real clue on how clothes are made.  Their lack of knowledge makes it impossible to properly describe the clothing item.  Hence, they resort to making up words, and styling the item.  Hosts are not trained to be a stylist.  You can tell by some of the crazy get ups they wear on air.   Why would I take advice from someone who needs to alter their clothes, or a person that often is this side of dressing like a clown?  One host on the weekend tries to push just how much skin she will be allowed to show on air,  all the while watching herself in the monitor.   While some of the hosts still do a good job, the others have driven me away.  It's as if there is no supervision, or constructive criticism offered to them so they can improve.  I'm sure QVC won't miss me, no biggie.  However, there are many others who have left for the exact same reasons.

I totally agree with everything you said especially about being shout at.  I was watching the Imperial Silver show yesterday and all that host did was shout and I eventually had to turn the channel.  

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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

If you are just now realizing the issues you mentioned, I feel sorry for you. Maybe this awakening will make you finally do the comparison shopping. I still purchase some items from QVC, but I would never consider making ALL of my purchases here. Or, with any one retailer. That's a waste of money, for sure. I'm not going to be critical of any of the presentations. Why? I'm not forced to watch, and shopping online is better anyway.

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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

[ Edited ]

@MomCat wrote:

If you are just now realizing the issues you mentioned, I feel sorry for you. Maybe this awakening will make you finally do the comparison shopping. I still purchase some items from QVC, but I would never consider making ALL of my purchases here. Or, with any one retailer. That's a waste of money, for sure. I'm not going to be critical of any of the presentations. Why? I'm not forced to watch, and shopping online is better anyway.



It amazes me that so many long time shoppers will say, "I shop at QVC for the convenience".....BUT dont other retailers offer that SAME convenience---so why do they want to pay more???  SMH!

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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

HSN lures me more and more with their often free shipping on TSVs, lower shipping in general, and by offering  discount codes via email often enough for me to feel like I am getting more value from them.   I have bought a lot of good quality bedding from them over the last year without feeling like I was being robbed esp. in shipping costs.

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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

I know EXACTLY who you are talking about when you say she watches herself on the monitor constantly!!!!  That drives me CRAZY.  Get with the business of helping us understand the product.  Talk about narcissism.

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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

I've never understood the comment about hosts looking in the monitors. Where exactly are they expected to look? As far as I can see, regardless of the host, they ALL look at the monitor, as they should, unless looking and speaking to a vendor. When speaking to the audience the correct place to look would be the monitor. 

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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

I also find the sizing is not as consistent as in the past.  When I really want something I tend to order to sizes!

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Re: The bloom is off the QVC rose for me!

My Q shopping is way down.  Over the weekend, I bought a Philosophy product online from a dept. store.  Got free shipping and $10. off.  Made it more than $10. less than buying it from QVC.  I haven't placed a QVC order for about a month and a half and in the past I ordered more often than that.  I don't buy the food items at all.  Years ago I bought most of my clothing from QVC, but seldom order any more--quality is down and the clothes don't fit me well.  I do like Linea, but seldom order now since his items are "too dressy" for my current lifestyle plus I need petites.   I liked to watch in the past to "pass the time", but now I just find it irritating so I don't even turn it on many days.