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@Lakelife62   I agree.  The constant complaint about prices, the hosts, the merchandise, the shipping and shipping prices.   I wouldn't be shopping at a channel I despised so much.   

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100% agree. Terrible.  I wonder if they track viewers I bet it's down. 

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I've purchased from QVC for about 30 years.  For majority of those years I've never had any problems with my orders.  Lately I've been receiving items that are not the item I ordered or the wrong size.  Their name is abbreviations for Quality, Value and Convenience.  I do not think it's very "convenient" when you have to return an item because they shipped the wrong item.  It's such a waste of money and time for everyone involved  - just wish QVC could get it right the first time.

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@BunSnoop   As you 30 plus years shopping. I received three defective items in one month? A solar frog that lit one time, a Zuda dress with a black spot on it  and blue chalceny earrings that had an obvious color difference.


Two years ago I received the same wrong size top twice. Same size so guessing it was stocked wrong.  I don't have these continual  issues from other on line ordering? 

Posts: 74
Registered: ‎08-29-2023
They're not going down..not the thousands they're selling of one product everytime I look around even with the boring hosts.
Posts: 27
Registered: ‎02-22-2013
I agree. I miss the hosts who had class. I’m sick of hearing about hemorrhoids and bikini waxes, how they bought 10 of everything, family stories on constant repeat, and how they’re all a size XXS which we all know isn’t true. It’s the worst it’s ever been.
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Registered: ‎01-22-2012

Qurate is #49 of the 100 most successful retails. 

Posts: 32
Registered: ‎05-13-2013

I totally agree two or three hosts on one  show and a talk show format is really annoying and unnecessary

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Posts: 10,794
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes wrote:

You conveniently omit, in all of your posts on the matter, that an employer may not terminate an employee for any reason.  Not true.  They may not take action that is illegal per federal and/or state law.


Federal and state discrimination statutes prohibit employers from basing employment decisions on an employee’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status. Specific state statutes may also protect employees from discrimination based on other factors, such as sexual orientation.


The multiple posts repeating this are political, politically charged and electioneering in violation of forum rules.



Employers can easily get around the employment and discrimination laws. I was fairly high up in a huge corporation and have seen it happen more than you think. HR is there to protect the company first, then employees.  


49 states are at-will states meaning employers can fire anyone anytime for any reason or for no reason. This makes getting around laws much easier.


Facts matter. One problem on these forums is people reading between the lines when nothing is there.  


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Posts: 12,065
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@Dazzlespaz1993 How do you know that they selling thousands of one product?

And there was no one left to speak out for me....