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Registered: ‎11-15-2012

Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

Jane Tracey presented Belle Beach pants and the model had on matching sweater. She gave item #A648157 and have been trying to order it since last Saturday and it won't show, "item not available. Please advise.

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Re: Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

@ptsandy.  All I get with that number is an Oops!.  Are you sure the number is correct?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

Yes, went back and watched Jane Treacy and that's the number she gave. Have also tried to find sweater by belle beach, it only shows on the new red striped pants it matches.


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Re: Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

[ Edited ]

@ptsandy - The "Oops" page that appears when I search for that item number is the one that is shown when an item either A) has sold out and been removed from the website or B) has not yet been loaded to the website. (Yes, I know that's strange, but it's just one of the fun glitches around here.) Alternatively, it is possible the wrong item number was provided. Have you searched all of Kim's sweaters to see if you can find it?

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Registered: ‎11-15-2012

Re: Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

The belle beach pants are A647292

Occasional Contributor
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Registered: ‎11-15-2012

Re: Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

The belle beach pants are A647292


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Re: Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

That show with Jane Treacy and Kim was last Wednesday.  The model Jaime was wearing the pants and sweater.


Kim was confused that the sweater wasn't in the show because it was a match for the pants, and she thought it would be in the show.  The producer gave Jane that item number for it, but then that was it.  Perhaps it wasn't in the show because something delayed shipment getting to inventory. showed up in a later show and sold out.


Even searching on the description Jane gave -- pop sweater with crochet trim, didn't produce anything in a search.  

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

@ptsandy.  I'm guessing the sweater sold out very fast, as Kim's sweaters often do.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎11-15-2012

Re: Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

Thanks, been driving myself crazy trying to find it, it's perfect with the belle beach pants.

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Re: Kim’s Crochet Trim Sweater A648157 ?

[ Edited ]


@ptsandy  It's probably not loaded yet on the website.  Did you try calling CS for an answer?  

If it were sold out in the last few years, I usually get a sold out page.  I get the Ooops when the items are not available for sale yet.  Logo used to disclose numbers ahead of presentations, and that was my experience.  The problem is that you don't know when the item will be presented or loaded.


Good luck!