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Is anyone else having trouble with this UPS Sunday delivery? My last 2 orders from Q (2 weeks apart) were sent UPS with "Sunday delivery by 9pm" and I did not receive them. The driver lied both times saying he delivered on my porch at 5:30 but I was sitting right there in my living room both times and nobody delivered anything either time. My pups alert me at the slightest noise and I live on a small road and nobody delivered anything. Two times mysteriously no package and NO picture either time of where they "delivered" it. Usually they give you a pic of where they put the package. I think the Sunday UPS driver is shady. Why no pics of where he supposidly delivered my stuff twice?Q CS has been wonderful with the first missing package and I hope they make this right too. NO shipping UPS for me anymore Q if I can't receive it. Anyone else have this kind of problem? This is new to me.

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I'm sorry that happened to you.  In my area, we have MUCH better luck with UPS than with USPS. 

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@silkyk   iv3 often had drivers say 5hey delivered but actually didn't because it was late or the weather was bad.  So then they bring it the next day.  You might want to wait a day or two to see if it arrives before reporting it.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Have you contacted UPS and filed a complaint? I would do this to let them know you are having delivery problems.

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@silkyk   iv3 often had drivers say 5hey delivered but actually didn't because it was late or the weather was bad.  So then they bring it the next day.  You might want to wait a day or two to see if it arrives before reporting it.

This is the second Sunday that they said they delivered but I was sitting in my living room by the porch BOTH days and NO truck ever came up our road or delivered anything! The first package never showed up.This happened twice on a Sunday which I have never had a Sunday UPS delivery before in 30 years of buying from Q. UPS says to deal with the sender. (Thank YOU Melvin in Q CS! You rock!) I was going to purchase the TSV earrings today but decided not to untill I figure out where UPS is delivering my packages. Why no pics like usual? Q should investigate who is stealing their packages at UPS. Not buying till I figure this out.

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I wish that UPS did the proof of delivery, real-time photos of their delivery.  No matter whether it's Sunday or any other day.  I love that Amazon does that.

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Everytime UPS delivers to my house I always get an email that it was delivered with a picture.  

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@silkyk - I'm sorry you're having this issue! Very frustrating. For whatever it's worth, I've had occasional UPS deliveries on Sundays over the years, but typically only during the holidays or in the very rare case that something was shipped via extra special service. (And UPS in my area is wonderful; don't get me started on FedEx.)


As for ordering the earrings you're interested in, I'd suggest that you get them if you want them—they may be shipped via UPS Mail Innovations, but that means they'll ultimately be delivered by the post office. I've never seen any jewelry item shipped via UPS all the way; it just isn't cost effective for QVC or vendors.

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UPS is closed on Sundays. Monday - Saturday residential deliveries. If it shows your pkg will be delivered on Sunday, it’s most likely because UPS gave the pkg to your post office. The post office will deliver on Sundays unless they are busy and then it could be Monday or Tuesday. Maybe check with your local post office to see if UPS transferred your pkg to them on Saturday. 🤗🤗🤗
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Re: Sunday UPS Q delivery?

[ Edited ]

I live country so we never get Sunday deliveries....never in 30 years have I received one. That's why (the first package) when the tracking said "Sunday by 9PM" I thought "keep a watch for it". Never anyone in my driveway or on my porch on Sunday (dogs on duty) so the driver lied about "left on porch". I contacted Q Social Team (thank you Wayne!) and they made it right immediately. GO TEAM! So 2 weeks later when I got the same delivery notice (Sunday by 9pm etc) I kept a REAL close lookout for the truck in my driveway (or person) and he never showed up but marked it "delivered on porch"....another lie! Twice on a weird Sunday delivery that was NO way put on my porch. NO pic of where they "delivered" either package so another red flag for me. Twice the same lie and no pics. I will not purchase from Q again if I can't pick USPS delivery. And no packages that were promised (by UPS) last Friday have arrived yet. Where is my stuff going with UPS delivery?