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There are quite a few QVC hosts & vendor hosts that scream / screech. There's no need for it. It's grating and nerve-wracking. I can't understand why they do that.

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Renee G, Amy S, Susan G, Kim G none of them I can watch.  I only watch shopping an hour or so a day and if any of them are on I change the channel quick.  Now that Xmas is over I rarely watch.  I don’t like the FB live during presentations.  My favorite hosts are Carolyn and Mary Beth.

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As soon as I see Renee,I quickly change the channel.Someone should let her know,QVC is a shopping channel....not for singing or dancing...We want product information!!

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@mosky wrote:

As soon as I see Renee,I quickly change the channel.Someone should let her know,QVC is a shopping channel....not for singing or dancing...We want product information!!

@mosky  She is one of the vendors I refuse to buy from just because of the way she or they act.  I will not support any vendor or host who does not present in a professional way.

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As long as I like the product, their presentation skills or dancing technique doesn’t interfere with my purchasing decision.
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@Teddixat wrote:
KL. Does plenty of screeching too while preening and admiring herself in the monitor

Oh my I agree! Too much for me even when I'm not dozing with TV on and may be in kitchen and I hear this sudden screeching, I run and mute it or turn channel! And then if I do try to watch (and be prepared for shrieking) I can't bare those eyes darting all over the place!

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@catnappurr wrote:
ShopLC home of the "screaming" hosts! I can only take so much of them and then I have to hit the remote...that and the horrible music they play over and over and over!

yes they are the worst, cheryl is outrageous,she actually screams,jumps in the air flares her hands, she has been around other shopping channels I can see why she doesn't stay very long,when she comes on and is with another host,she takes over interrupts the host yells,and you can tell the other host is annoyed,they need to tell her good by,most times I change channel when she is on.

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Yes i agree Renee is very off putting and her howling like an animal and then getting a kick out of herself is so beyond absurd. At her age one would think she could conduct herself in a proper manner. Although her line is sucessful so ppl dont seem to mind her antics.
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Speaking of Renee Greenstein! She's back on this coming Saturday with her TSV set of two maxi dresses available presale and new items. Love! Her pants, today received three beautiful tops. Renee, Be yourself! Woman Very Happy

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I don’t watch anymore at all...just look at stuff online. If you do like watching...the screaming is why there is a mute button....use it! The cackle-fest that was every morning for years was more than enough for me...