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Re: Started watching the Q 10 yrs ago when the late Joan Rivers was on

Joan was my FAVORITE❤ comedienne because of her brash, RAZOR sharp wit, carefree attitude, and NO holds barred delivery of her often tasteless, sometimes poignant jokes that pushed MANY boundaries!😁 Just the other day in another thread I said she was unapologetic. THAT is one of the things that impressed me the most about her!!!💝


I am certain she would NOT have even considered this controversy an issue worthy of all the attention surrounding it, and would have a few CHOICE words if asked about it!!😄 She was/is a treasure who was BELOVED and ADORED by so many, and I miss her irreplaceable presence here at The Q! 💝💝


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: Started watching the Q 10 yrs ago when the late Joan Rivers was on


I think YOU are really an ANGEL in disguise.

You Speak Truth, ACT with Truth and Stand for Truth. 🥰

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Re: Started watching the Q 10 yrs ago when the late Joan Rivers was on

Oh, please!


Said with hand on hips, flinging head to the side, in the most dramatic JR imitation.


Joan had a great sense of style, and had a kind charitable heart in some areas. But she was no saint. She had a nasty side to her that came out in her concept of humor. I never found her funny because of that. I never found her mantra to "F' 'em if they can't take a joke" to be acceptable justification for unkind comments. 

Humor is subjective.

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Re: Started watching the Q 10 yrs ago when the late Joan Rivers was on

I can hear her telling one liners right now!

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Re: Started watching the Q 10 yrs ago when the late Joan Rivers was on

Joan woild have loved it! Did you ever hear her jokes about tampons?

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Re: Started watching the Q 10 yrs ago when the late Joan Rivers was on

Hi! @Suxela I never saw her doing any standup comedy. I wonder if YouTube has any?
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Re: Started watching the Q 10 yrs ago when the late Joan Rivers was on

I couldn't resist sharing this...


I'm now getting popup ads for hemoSmiley LOLrrhoid cream.   



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Posts: 324
Registered: ‎10-17-2018

Re: Started watching the Q 10 yrs ago when the late Joan Rivers was on

@RescueLover  Hi! Joan Rivers was a comedian before she started designing clothes.

I'm sure you can google her stand up comedy on Youtube.





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Registered: ‎02-06-2022

Re: Started watching the Q 10 yrs ago when the late Joan Rivers was on

@Suxela I enjoyed watching YouTube videos of her in action today! WOW she never skipped a beat. Most comedians take a break by waiting for the audience to almost stop laughing, but not Joan Rivers! I was laughing so hard I was crying!! 😂😂😂