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@waterlily wrote:

I couldn't agree more ladies, what a fine gentleman!  I wish QVC had more of his line offered than Carol Hochman.  

Amen to that. I would love to see him more.

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I had the same exact robe nd LOVED it - finally i hit the rag bag and haven't found anything like it since!

Best robe ever

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I still have one of his (very rare) TSVs.


Its a brown chenille open front sweater that had a huge Safety Pin (that actually worke!)


The Q kept it online for YEARS after, but of course didn't drop the price for the first year.

They tried Easy Pays....then Free S/H, then a $3 discount (two years later).


I always meant to get another one in another color.........missed it somehow!  

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Personally, I think in this day and age, his holding every model's hand is inappropriate...doesn't matter how innocent and well meaning his intentions's the world we live in now

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Holding a model’s hand is inappropriate? Really?

He is a sweet older gentleman.


And, he isn’t the  touchy feely - give ya the creeps kinda man here at the Q - that  comes to my mind anyhow.




-Texas Hill Country-
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I don't see an issue with Stan Herman holding a models's hand in view of millions of viewers.   I've seen worse on other QVC shows.

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@CAMOGIRL wrote:

Holding a model’s hand is inappropriate? Really?

He is a sweet older gentleman.

And, he isn’t the  touchy feely - give ya the creeps kinda man here at the Q - that  comes to my mind anyhow.


        I find him so genuine and such a warm, tender person.  Holding models' hands is just a part of his persona.  Love that he always asks the models/hosts about their horoscope.





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Registered: ‎10-27-2018

@CAMOGIRL wrote:

Holding a model’s hand is inappropriate? Really?

He is a sweet older gentleman.


And, he isn’t the  touchy feely - give ya the creeps kinda man here at the Q - that  comes to my mind anyhow.




He is what you described.

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Re: Stan Herman

[ Edited ]

Thats too bad you feel that way.  What a cold unfeeling world you must live in.



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