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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

@Pecky wrote:

I was watching when they presented Philosophy's new Amazing Grace Bergamot and thought it was the most ridiculous presentation ever.  They had Deanna sitting there spraying it all over her over and over.  We can't smell it so why bother just describe the notes and be done with it.


Tova is also notorious for spraying it all over the set.  I also heard from someone who met her at the Waldorf that she always carries a bottle on her person and sprays it in the lobby of the hotel.

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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

I could never host a perfume presentation.  It makes me sneeze non-stop.  I have a friend who I used to go out to eat with all the time.  I had to finally ask her to please not wear perfume.  I would pick her up and had a hard time in the car with the perfume.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

[ Edited ]

@Puppy Lips wrote:

@Pecky wrote:

I was watching when they presented Philosophy's new Amazing Grace Bergamot and thought it was the most ridiculous presentation ever.  They had Deanna sitting there spraying it all over her over and over.  We can't smell it so why bother just describe the notes and be done with it.

@Pecky Maybe because it is like my Amazing Grace (which I love.)  I spray it on, and moments later, I can not smell it anymore!

@Pecky ~ Ain’t that the truth!  They (still) mention that it’s the no.1 perfume sold.  AG was one of my favorite scents.

Too bad Coty ruined such a great scent by not making the scent last like before.  What gets me, is all the vendors say it’s still the same formula, with same sillage!  They well know it’s NOT!  That goes for Falling in Love as well.  These two scents were the ones i used.  Sadly, that goes for a lot of perfume.  I never tried Tova, but reviews tout the same problem.  Buyer beware!🤩


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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

I am also entertained by the claims of “mood changing” elements of these products. Whether you want your mood lifted or need a peaceful feeling or need to wake up in the shower, they have it all.


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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

@Pecky: Fragrance presentations have always been done this way. Nothing new.

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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

It'll be okay everyone.   Let's remember this is a shopping channel..   Not a lot of things anyone can do to demonstrate a scent.    

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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

@Diva on The Q wrote:

@Pecky: Fragrance presentations have always been done this way. Nothing new.

@Diva on The Q @seems to me Philosophy brings this to a new level! I personally have not bought since Coty took over, things are not the same to me.

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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

I agree . Too much philosophy IMO in the first place all together. Way too expensive. Not unique or pretty.
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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

I don't buy perfume without trying it first.

It's a very hard thing to sell a scent when your audiance cannot smell it.

Tova has got selling scent on screen down to an art.

She sells the image, the Dream, of what wearing her perfume would say to others about you.

She presents herself Well dressed and Brings attention to well styled hair and jewelry with a Very Elegant motion of spraying her crown.  She is never rushed in her speaking.

You can wear the same scent as she,  wouldn't you want at least a little of that image?

Just be aware that in reality your chemstry may not mix well.


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Re: Silly Perfume Presentations

@Kachina624 wrote:

It's no worse than the endless Philosophy presentations with bowls of soap suds.  My eyes gaze over when the product is mentioned.


@Kachina624   You are so right!  We get it all ready that it does well at sudsing.  A lot of overkill!