@LEESA wrote:
After doing the math on just one item I came up with $1000.00 they will have earned with no effort what-so-ever.
Pants cost $29.98
Easy Pay 5 payments pf $6.00 = $30.00
50K pairs sold with the .02 "round up" is $1000.00 extra income.
It may not sound like a lot of money but when you are selling the volume they are it has to be adding to quite a nice sum.
I wish my customers would fall for this type of gimmick. I would be laughing all the way to the bank.
Safe to say, I won't be utilizing Easy Pay in the future.
Really? So if you could pull a fast one on your customers and cheat them out of money, you would do that? It seems that you would, without a second thought. How sad that you don't value your customers or your business enough to keep things honest.
And EZ Pay doesn't work the way you described. QVC doesn't "round up" and there are no extra pennies. The price is the price. You'll have to find another idea for a dishonest gimmick elsewhere.