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Posts: 15
Registered: ‎01-08-2014

Question about Studio Sample Sale

Hi! First time poster - I put this is community chat but I’m new so maybe I put in the wrong spot. I read comments all the time when I feel like something seems “off” and I find that I’m not alone in my thoughts.

So! Does anyone know if the Sample Sale at the Studio has or is returning in the near future? I used to have a link for a sign up but it doesn’t show anything anymore. I understand since Covid they shut it down but any updates?

I was thinking maybe if they sold the unused products again we could buy back Carolyn’s salary (joking but wishful thinking)…

For those who don’t know, It was every week on-site at the studio. You go online and get a ticket, you’re given a number. It would sell out online in less than 5 min. On the day of the sale, you go with your ticket to the studio and line up according to your number outside the warehouse. When it’s time to go in, you have 30min to shop.

Its model clothes, samples of makeup, shoes, clothes for $5, lanterns, anything as a set prop.

I got my Christmas tree there for $40 bc it was a prop on set. Make up was $5-10. That’s how I’d buy my Makeup and Luminara candles.

I really miss it.

Thanks for any answers!! Smiley Happy
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Re: Question about Studio Sample Sale

Hi @FitFoodie ! Welcome to the Boards!  Please take some time to review the "welcome get started" area as you are not allowed to post the same question in multiple locations and you've got responses in the Community Chat area.


The mods will poof your questions if you do this which will be very frustrating. 

Good luck finding your answer 😀

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Re: Question about Studio Sample Sale

[ Edited ]

@FitFoodie   To answer your question, I have no idea. But, I went once to one of those Sample sales a very long time ago.  I had no idea they were still doing them prior to the pandemic. If I recall correctly, when I went you didn't need a ticket.  All you had to do was go there, (I believe on a Friday only for a few hours), get in line, and when customers in the studio's warehouse were coming out after their 30 minutes, the line would move up and you would be allowed in when it was your turn.  


These days, since I live at least a  90 minute drive away from Studio Park, I choose to go to the QVC Frazer Outlet which is only a few minutes away from Studio Park. It's hit or miss, but you can get some nice buys there.

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!
Posts: 36
Registered: ‎06-07-2010

Re: Question about Studio Sample Sale

I never heard of this, only shopping 25+yrs with QVC.  So you would go to the warehouse, and where is that located ? I usually go to the outlets in Pa. but they are very scarce with merchandise and nothing like it used to be. But since covid nothing is the same. Maybe call customer service to see if they are even doing this anymore.                          



Occasional Contributor
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎01-08-2014

Re: Question about Studio Sample Sale

Oooh yea they changed it because I think people were taking advantage of it (?? How I don’t know). So they were really cracking down on people not going in twice.

I am in Philly so I’m really fortunate to get to the outlet. You’re so right - hit or miss. You can’t try anything on anymore in the dressing room so it’s a gamble. But lemme tell ya, I never paid full price for a holiday wreath!! Smiley Happy