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In watching QVC or reading the forums, does the question ever come to mind, " shopping channel (product presentation) or promoting personalities to act like  friends and tell us what we need and like and what to do with it?   

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In watching QVC or reading the forums, does the question ever come to mind, " shopping channel (product presentation) or promoting personalities to act like  friends and tell us what we need and like and what to do with it?   


I'm sorry @matty liz , but exactly what is your question?



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@matty liz I'm sorry, I don't understand your question. I think maybe you left out some words?

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I think you are asking if QVC's main goal is product information and promotion or Hosts convincing us they are our friends who know what we need and want.


I think the answer is both.  Personally I would like them to focus more on product information and less on  my "friends" trying to entertain me.  Many hosts have found the middle ground and are a pleasure to watch. 

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@FLtricia @matty liz I think that I agree, that too much time talking about their travels etc, and not enough information about fabric content and features 


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QVC seems to feel that they are the "it" in my life. Food, fashion, jewelry, HOSTS LOL.
I don't need to be entertained, just sell me the product as if I were in a store. It's definitely overkill ..and it's getting pretty thick lately. Now I watch, or should I say I turn it on for background noise. There are some I enjoy and some I do not and a whole lot I can do w/o and that's when I turn off.
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@matty liz wrote:

In watching QVC or reading the forums, does the question ever come to mind, " shopping channel (product presentation) or promoting personalities to act like  friends and tell us what we need and like and what to do with it?   


Q's biggest trick/marketing ploy is to get viewers to think hosts are their friends. Obviously, a lot of people fall for it. 


IMO, they are no different than salespeople in any store except they happen to be on tv. They aren't my friends or acquantances and never will be. 

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Very disappointed that you cannot pay with a check anymore.  Some people do not like using their credit cards all the time.  I am not going to purchase as much as I did since I cannot pay with a check anymore.


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You cannot pay with a check? Please explain.

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@toomuchof that wrote:

Very disappointed that you cannot pay with a check anymore.  Some people do not like using their credit cards all the time.  I am not going to purchase as much as I did since I cannot pay with a check anymore.


@toomuchof that  You can still use a check to pay.  In the checkout it still says "check or money order" as one of the options to pay.