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Just tuned in to QVC giving for living program to see if I wanted to donate.  They said that all the items were donated by the vendor ( that is very generous) but yet QVC is only donating 70% of the purchase price (and they are charging shipping).  If you are interested in helping Feeding America please consider donating directly to them then they will get 100% of your donation.  QVC keeping 30% is ridiiculous on something they have lttle costs for (espcialy since they are charging shipping)  When donating your money it  is always recommended to  donate to an origanation wihere al most all the money goes to the purpose of the organiation.  HIghly rated organiations (which feeding america is)   have 10% or less that goes to overhead.   


You can do what you wish with your money, I just felt the need to point this out.   I personnaly would like to see my money without someone taking a cut,  go to feed people which is why I do donate directly to Feeding Americal 

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I have no problem donating, but I prefer giving locally. We have our own food insecurity.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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@why again   I appreciate your post.  You are completely correct.  I always give to our pantry in our city.  I'm not sure if everyone has this or not but I also give food to Mathew 25 ministries.  They go to different places where there were hurricanes and other disaster areas and give everything including clothes.

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Thanks, but I donate to our local food bank where 100% of my money goes to feed the needy in my community.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I think it’s Wonderful QVC does this event annually.

I feel good participating and if you don’t want to make a purchase you can donate a $ amount instead or both. I also liked when they had their annual Breast Cancer Awareness FANY Shoes event in October each year.

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give to a food bank in your town 



but at least they are doing something, better than nothing



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If you want to participate in QVC's efforts but would rather donate than buy something, you can do that as well with 100% of your donation going to Feeding America:


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Local non-profits ONLY

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Its up to each individual person where and how to donate.


  Putting down any company for doing something to help is not cool.  

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Posts: 97
Registered: ‎03-08-2016
Q wastes so much food on gourmet holiday table displays. I know this has come up before, and I commend any effort to help those in need, but I don’t believe that the majority of show items displayed are consumed by the crew. I think most of the food is coated and treated; especially displayed holiday dinner items that are shown all day. I know I wouldn’t eat them. Plus, at the end of the day, Q gets a tax break. Finally, I agree that while this event is a benefit to those in the PA area, donating to
one’s local charities is most helpful overall.