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Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

I don't have a huge problem with "Black Friday" starting the day after Halloween. I was bemused to see Halloween candy in the stores right after Labor Day and it seems all the holidays are being run together with breakneck speed. However, this year, Thanksgiving is at the very end of the month and it leaves literally only a month to do Christmas shopping. If you aren't the type that likes to wait to last minute AND you like sales, it's actually nice to space it out.


I am assuming the inventory will be lower in stores this year--signs are of a slowing economy (it never revved up very much during the so-called recovery) and often, stores will order less so not to have excess inventory after the season. In a case like that, early shopping may prove the best way to obtain things you want to shop for. 

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Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

Christmas programming is earlier in almost all media formats. Cable TV has already been showing Christmas for several weeks. I went into a Hallmark store yesterday for a card, and their thanksgiving display amounted to one small shelf hidden amongst the explosion of Christmas merchandise. The local Macy's is the same with trees and trim. QVC is no different; they are a shopping channel, not a "let's celebrate by minimizing commercialization" channel. The only way to distance myself from the saturation of Christmas is to hide out in my home and turn off the TV and computer. This isn't going to happen. At this point, I don't care how they label their programming or web site banners, what I want is for QVC to offer good pricing, a decent quality product, and variety in items offered (if they want to keep me viewing the presentations live). Programming has been very repetitive this year, pricing is not as competitive, and I have made more returns this year than in any other year for inconsistent sizing and poor quality (and I would have returned more, like the Creed Silver TSV earrings, if not for the postage penalty). I can handle Black Friday all month but not Boring/Bad Friday offerings. I am hoping for some variety in the coming weeks and a better 2016....

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Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

I just don't think these are really Black Friday sales because BF is almost a month away, and because there will be different sales for BF.   It's just stupid and misleading and greedy.

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Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

[ Edited ]

"QVC Starting Black Friday Today.  Two Thumbs UP!!"


                      - (quote) QVC Stockholders Everywhere

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Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

The real problem here is that there aren't any good sale prices on items.  Never.  Waste of time to come here for a good price.

Posts: 71
Registered: ‎09-11-2010

Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

I like being able to shop early for specials and getting it done so I can concentrate on all the cooking and decorating and baking i have to do for the holidays. What's the difference if they do it on Nov. 1st and go all month or continue to offer specials like they do everyday? Sounds like you just don't like it being called Black Friday. Walmarts and other stores have had Christmas decorations up since September. All retailers want to be the first. That's what they are in business for = to make money. Easter candy will probably be out in the stores by January!! It's called good old fashioned competition. The radio stations will be playing strictly all Christmas music nonstop before Thanksgiving. Don't let it get to you. If you think it takes the spirit out of Christmas for you, don't shop now. Wait til the spirit hits you. You may not get the good deals by then though.

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Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

I have to LOL at all of the "former customers" who post several times a week to announce that they are former customers, never watch, never buy, totally turned off, disappointed in/hate QVC, etc. - but who can't stay away from routinely frequently repeating it all.


If you don't shop here any more and don't watch, even IF QVC reads the forums, they're going to automatically discount your posts. They are not going to care what former customers think, and do not believe that "if only", such customers would buy again. Besides, if you don't watch any more, how would you know if/what they change? You're not watching. 

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

QVC is only available to those who seek them out. No one has to suffer through any of their services. Happy Holidays. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

Well I'm confused about this whole issue.  It isn't like they are moving 4th of July to March 30.  Black Friday isn't a national holiday--it's a sale.  Who cares when it is?  


And QVC doesn't really have "sales" anyway, so I am not at all understanding why people are upset.

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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: QVC Starting Black Friday Today Two Thumbs Down!

@Moonchilde wrote:

I have to LOL at all of the "former customers" who post several times a week to announce that they are former customers, never watch, never buy, totally turned off, disappointed in/hate QVC, etc. - but who can't stay away from routinely frequently repeating it all.


Giggle.  It's like a jilted lover that decides to end the relationship but continues to call over & over again.


Mr. QVC says,
