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QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?

How do you think QVC is keeping up with what people want to buy now in clothing, kitchen wares, household items, etc?  Do you think they are delivering the products people want now?  Staying up with trends?


Just curious.  To me they are sort of going sideways.  But then I depend on them for my everyday pants and some other old standbys. 

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Re: QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?

I'm with the slow slide thing. 


Very slowly down, trying to be something different and new (which business needs to do to survive) but missing the mark a lot where my needs/wants/desires are concerned.


I'm seeing poorer quality, less variety shown on air, too much repeating of the same items and vendors, shipping that isn't reasonable for multiple purchases, and too much hard sell rather than the relaxing presentations of the distant past.

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Re: QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?

There is something going on. And many changes.  Not to fond of new set on screen. Hard to find items . will get use to it. And keep shopping as usual.

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Re: QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?

I think the perception has been that the core QVC customer is a senior citizen.  I'm in my early 40's, with children still at home, and in my middle earning years careerwise.  My mother is 70-ish and retired.  I outspend her on QVC by quite a bit.  We watch and shop very differently.  She actually watches regularly, checks the schedule, and specifically watches things that interest her.  She'll place an order on the app, but won't browse the app and is just as likely to call in to place an order.  Since she no longer needs a work wardrobe and rarely cooks for a family, she buys fewer of those items in general.  She is recently widowed and does purchase more food items that I do.  It's probably easier and just as economical for her than going out or cooking for one.  She's said more than once "the next time they show so-and-so, I'm going to get it".  I can't convince her she can buy it whenever she wants.  On the other hand, I only purchase using the app on my iphone.  I regularly browse lunch time and prime time specials.  My only QVC watching is either for entertainment, usually Shawn and Isaac on Mondays, or for background noise while I do I chores, like AM Style on Saturday mornings.  I don't really care about the item information so much as I enjoy a good story to go with it.  If I need to know how long a skirt is or the warranty on a kitchen item, I just check the information online.


If QVC programming seems different, it could just be that consumers aren't using it like they do the online presence.

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Re: QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?

Status quo is not an option in retail. Things should be emerging and changing. And by changing, I mean improving. Few people react positively to change and change cannot appease everyone. Hopefully QVCs merchandisers make progressive decisions. If they miss the mark, they will make additional changes. Husband is Marketing major and teaches evening, college marketing/business courses as adjunct. He claims the market consistently corrects itself. 


I'm at a different purchasing place than most -- transitioning into an active retirement life in 2020. I'm interested in well-made, stylish, active wear and polished casual attire. Comfy but stylish shoes and I love quality, small backpack handbags. My expensive jewelry has been purchased, but I enjoy updating with silver or white gold items. My interests are limited and doesn't meet everyone's criteria or needs.   

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?

I agree with mominohio. I'll just briefly comment on one area and that is the entire fashion department which has become one copying from the other. For example, Denim and co. has deteriorated significantly since the new designer took over. There is nothing attractive of most of what they offer, IMO. I still have a closet full of past items from DCo. but have not bought from them since the change over. And that is years. Susan Graver continues to offer her same old liquid knit or her chiffons, Halston items under underwhelming. The only one that remains avante garde is my beloved Linea. Kim G. at least looks interesting to watch and consider.

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Re: QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?

So much has changed with the way I shop.  I've watchd QVC over the years because: 1) they offered items I couldn't find in retail; 2) they introduced me to new brands like Dooney & Bourke and skin care lines such as Dr Denese, Philosophy and Josie Maran with "deep dive" discussion and instruction on everything; 3) their pricing was competitive, especially TSVs.  Oh, and I almost forgot #4) THEIR RETURN POLICY WAS EXCELLENT AND UNMATCHED!!


I would never have a Vitamix, a Dooney & Bourke purse, Dr. Denese sunscreen (that I've used every day for 15 years), an Aero Pilates reformer or a Bethlehem Lights Christmas tree if it weren't for QVC.


In my mind, what's hurting the Q is:

--the availability of the the same products from other outlets at competitive prices

--pricing is not that great, TSVs are not what they used to be

--shipping takes too long and is too expensive -- people are getting used to Amazon Prime 2-day shipping

--most importantly, THEY DESTROYED THE RETURN POLICY.  This is an area where they can beat Amazon!  They need to bring back the old return policy!  I would forgive slower shipping if I could return without being charged!!


I know they're trying to win customers with easy-pay, but before you know it you owe hundreds of dollars in monthly installments for shampoo and cleaning supplies.  


I also wish they had a loalty program.  Those programs where you earn points with every purchase are a big driver of my spending.  If I can buy it at Ulta, I will because the points translate to actual dollars!  I would love to collect "points" with ever purchase at QVC.  Adding points accross all different product categories would make it easier to get a new Dooney!

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Re: QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?


How do you think QVC is keeping up with what people want to buy now in clothing, kitchen wares, household items, etc?  Do you think they are delivering the products people want now?  Staying up with trends?


Just curious.  To me they are sort of going sideways.  But then I depend on them for my everyday pants and some other old standbys. 



I haven't a clue whether QVC is keeping up.  I have no way of knowing what other people want.  


I only buy some of my clothes here - and only watch when certain vendors are on.  Even then, most of my clothes come from elsewhere.



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Re: QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?

Years ago I ordered a bread machine. It was expensive for that time, but you couldn't find one out in the stores. I worked in a retail department store and they didn't have anything like it. Enjoyed using it. It wasn't even a TSV, it was at regular price, but it was new and different. The TSV's weren't advertised days early, they were a surprise you waited up until midnight Eastern to see what they were, and they weren't repeated a couple of months later. I remember one night there was a 10 gram 14Kt gold herringbone necklace that was a TSV. It sold at $99.00 and it lasted 15 minutes into the new day. Every hour after that was a different One Time Only and they were interesting items. Their all day special programs the hosts wore costumes (like the old time gowns for the silver day) and it was informative when they told historic stories of what was behind that day. Paul Kelly did remotes from interesting places and told of it's history. There was a bigger and better computer maybe twice a year, not every 6 weeks. Now they just remind you that the computer you bought 2 months ago is obsolete. Returns were easy and they didn't charge you more to return than they did to ship it to you. One hour, maybe 2 was spent on one topic of merchandise, not 4 or 5. And all day shows didn't happen so often. They were special like St. Patrick's Day. It's just no fun anymore. Too much of the same thing over and over again.

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Re: QVC: On the way UP, OUT, or THE SAME?

I think if you’re happy with the status quo and have found staples here and tried and true that meets your needs it’s perfect as is. But, as far as being competitive for shoppers looking for variety and buzz creating items, it’s on its way out.