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Re: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5

@GinaV24 wrote:

@stevieb @Spurt I watched a little of the American West shows but that was in between doing other things.  Turned on the FE show this morning to see them selling "fall" clothing.  Sorry, nope, not for me.


I'm about done here, too.  I sent 2 e-mails to qvc social and have had zero response, so much for customer appreciation.


One of my friends says we have 9 weeks until school starts (she's a teacher) so we are using that time frame as motivation to get back into shape, plus it is summer so I am going to spend the time I might waste watching QVC and work out instead.


I will make my choice with both my remote and my wallet.


Gina,  I suppose emailing Social is a place to start, but I have little doubt that all you'll get from them is what we've already seen, the party line.  I'm drafting something to send elsewhere, which also will net no results, I'm sure.  Whether they choose to send a response or choose not to send a response, I don't really care.  This is them.  This is what they've become.  Programming, boards, whatever.  That said, I guess I just feel like after being a prolific customer for nearly a decade I want to let them know what I think of what they've become.  I'm sure they don't care and after I've said my piece I won't either.

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Re: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5

@stevieb wrote:

@GinaV24 wrote:

@stevieb @Spurt I watched a little of the American West shows but that was in between doing other things.  Turned on the FE show this morning to see them selling "fall" clothing.  Sorry, nope, not for me.


I'm about done here, too.  I sent 2 e-mails to qvc social and have had zero response, so much for customer appreciation.


One of my friends says we have 9 weeks until school starts (she's a teacher) so we are using that time frame as motivation to get back into shape, plus it is summer so I am going to spend the time I might waste watching QVC and work out instead.


I will make my choice with both my remote and my wallet.


Gina,  I suppose emailing Social is a place to start, but I have little doubt that all you'll get from them is what we've already seen, the party line.  I'm drafting something to send elsewhere, which also will net no results, I'm sure.  Whether they choose to send a response or choose not to send a response, I don't really care.  This is them.  This is what they've become.  Programming, boards, whatever.  That said, I guess I just feel like after being a prolific customer for nearly a decade I want to let them know what I think of what they've become.  I'm sure they don't care and after I've said my piece I won't either.

@GinaV24@stevieb   Hello GINA   When I've emailed QVC all I got back was a form letter type reply.  I don't know what kind of an impact those really have.  What I have found that has worked in the past is writing to QVC via snail mail.  I even got a call from Coprorate.  You might try that---their address (from their website) is


QVC, Inc.
1200 Wilson Drive at Studio Park
West Chester, PA 19380


I would mark it to the attention of MIKE GEORGE, CEO to get added attention.

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Re: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5

Hello Folks---sorry there was no weekend preview this past week---but I have had quite a week.  I think I had mentioned that I got stung by a first I was fine, but it got infected and between Urgent Care, The Emergency Room, and doctor visits and waiting for prescriptions and keeping my leg elevated----I was just not up to the task. 


One funny thing, when the nurse at Ugrent Care was gathering information, she asked me what brand was my handbag....when I replied Tig and she asked where I got it, I said QVC---she happens to be a QVC customer too, so we had quite a conversation....LOL!

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Re: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5


Good grief Spurt!  I knew something had to be wrong when I didn't see a weekend preview.


I hope they get a handle on the infection and that you feel better, sooner rather than later.




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Re: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5

@Spurt thank you for Mike George's name.  As @stevieb said, I'm sure that whatever I say will be of little interest to QVC but I figure I may as well send a letter anyway to put it out there.


since the programming is so boring and repetitious, there's not a real urge to buy anyway so as I said previously, I'll vote with my wallet & my remote.  Other than watching SOME of am style on Saturday, that was it for the weekend for me.


Tonight is Fashion whatever it is - since I don't care for the new lineup, other than IM's show but not with the regular host, I see there is a yoga class tonight so I'll go do that instead.  Far more beneficial to my health!


thanks so much for your help..

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Re: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5

Wow, Spurt, sorry to hear that you got stung & had to go get special care for your injury.  Wasps are simply mean spirited critters. Hope that you are feeling better.  Funny about the Tig bag -- small world!

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Re: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5

Hi Spurt, so sorry to hear of your wasp ordeal.  I hope you are on your way to recovery.  I had hoped that when there was no weekend preview, you were enjoying a vacation or something fun. Take care of yourself (are Figgy & Puddin' good cuddlers?)& I hope you feel better soon!


P.S. Without your weekend warning,  i accidently ran across Dooney & Bourke and Philosophy shows this past weekend - aaack!!

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Re: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5

Welcome back here, Spurt. I hope you recover quickly. You were missed!
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CRe: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5

[ Edited ]
Spurt, I missed your humor last week. I assumed you were on vacation. I didn't know a wasp sting could lead to those complications....sorry you had to go through that!

At least you were fashionably accessorized while receiving medical care. Any time I'm doing yard work, and I'm filthy and grubby...I pray I don't get hurt and have to go to the ER looking that way!
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Re: CRe: Q DID WHAT? 4th Of July Celebration And Ninjas In The Kitchen--Weekend Preview 7/4 and 7/5

[ Edited ]

Spurt, hoping you're on the mend and will soon be feeling fine...  Sorry to hear of your little adventure... The good news, if there is any, is that you surely missed absolutely nothing Q-related...



In my pantry with my cupcakes...