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Posts: 790
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Post office no longer tracking returns'

I pretty much always used the Flat Rate Priority Mail boxes for returns, but this last Postal Rate increase has changed my mind.  I only justify paying this much higher postage when I am returning something of at least $100 value and am anxious to get my credit.


I might also return items of less than $100 value in the flat rate box if I'm sending to some of the NorthEast Coast stores i patronize because the shipping using prepaid labels takes about 3 weeks from Texas.


I haven't had a problem with QVC including multiple return items from multiple orders in the same flat rate Priority Mail box. I wrap each order separately within the box, usually using an inside out QVC plastic shipping bag.  To me this seems safer than just putting items in the box loose with the multiple packing slips taped on.

Regular Contributor
Posts: 173
Registered: ‎11-19-2013

Re: Post office no longer tracking returns'

Ty so much for this information!