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Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

I'm tired of all the hosts calling other hosts or vendors "Girl." It makes me think they forgot the person's name. Besides they are women not girls. Cultural appropriation as well.

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Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

@Catstamper If you put something in your cart and do not check out right away - even for 15 or 20 minutes then it is only fair that if someone is checking out before you do will get the item if it sells out!!   Comparing to B & M stores is apples and oranges!!  It does not work that way.  That is why if I really want something I check out as soon as I put it in my cart.

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Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

[ Edited ]

Being in your cart doesn't reserve an item for you at any online retailer. If it sells out before you check out, then you waited too long. That's how it works.

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Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

When you put an item in your cart, this does not "save" that item specifically for you. The item stays in your cart for one hour - which gives one plenty of time to make up their mind, imo then it is removed. However, if others are purchasing same item right then and there and that size/color sells out, yes the item is removed.


There is also a choice to hit "save" which keeps things in your cart for a longer period of time. Unless, of course, things sell out.

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Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

I found out the hard way.....


I ut a top in my cart that was selling fast and went back right away to get the matching pants.... was gone from my cart in less than a minute.....

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Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

@Pook wrote:

@Catstamper If you put something in your cart and do not check out right away - even for 15 or 20 minutes then it is only fair that if someone is checking out before you do will get the item if it sells out!!   Comparing to B & M stores is apples and oranges!!  It does not work that way.  That is why if I really want something I check out as soon as I put it in my cart.

I was just going to say this exact thing.  If you want it check out.  You are not saving any money by saving it for later.  QVC has every right to sell it to the person who is ACTUALLY buying.  They tell you this ALL the time, if youi see it and you want it CHECK OUT.

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Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

Again, just my opinion, but I feel that if I put something in my cart, it should be, yes, reserved, as I've said I want to buy it, and unitl and unless I decide not to, then yes, it should stay in my cart. Again, it's my opinion, and a pet peeve. I know that the rule isn't going to change. and that others have other opinions. But, taking it off the virtual shelf and putting it in my virtual cart should, in my opinion, be just the same as if I'm in the Q outlet, for example. If I had decided that I was going to check out before the woman with the set of LockNLock in her cart, should I have been able to take them out and buy them? Of course not. Same thing, in my opinion. You put it in your cart, you've got dibs. You don't check out within an hour, thems the rules. You choose not to purchase, you put it back on the virtual shelf and the next person gets to pick it up. 


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Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

So you want to have it in your cart to spend an hour thinking about it when someone else could buy it on the spot. 


Putting it in your cart in no way reserves the item for you and only you to spend an hour thinking about. If someone else comes along and purchases it you are the one that is out.


You sound like a sore loser. 

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Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

Very annoying for sure--it should be yours for that 1 hour---the cure for me---I don't buy here anymore----after a series of days and days of processing and not being able to cancel, then waiting for the slow boat from china for it to arrive---I have vowed never to do my shopping here anymore. Sent the last purchase I made,  back a week ago--have yet to hear if they even got the thing and it will be at least 1 or 2 weeks for my refund-----no more!!!!!!!

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Pet Peeve - in your cart

It happens at most if not all online retailers.  I put an item in my cart (Amazon Prime) and got a phone call and when I went back to order 15 minutes later it was   showing sold out.  That is just the way it works.  When I am interested in anything online I put it in my cart but have no expectations it will still be available if I decide to really order it.  My thoughts are that if that happens - oh well saved money! My pet peeve is those thinking it is all about them and their wants!