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OMG --- What are they thinking....

..... old lady jewelry, old lady walking shoes, old lady pull on pants, ..... really?  Where are you going?  No one wears this stuff anymore..... not trendy fashion so it lasts years and years and years? why?  .....That's exactly the stuff most donate as well as clean out when you are over 50 and fabulous.....Sorry, used to love watching but you are losing me slowly .....

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Re: OMG --- What are they thinking....



Who are you watching? I'm curious. 

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Re: OMG --- What are they thinking....

[ Edited ]

I was also thinking that some specifics would be very helpful and informative!


But I guess not.


Just another vague Stir It Up!

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Re: OMG --- What are they thinking....

I am female and almost 67.   It is posts like these that bait me out of lurking and not posting status.  As if being an old lady is a bad thing.  I hope and trust that the OP did not mean to insult me and many forum friends here. 


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Re: OMG --- What are they thinking....

@soozer wrote:

..... old lady jewelry, old lady walking shoes, old lady pull on pants, ..... really?  Where are you going?  No one wears this stuff anymore..... not trendy fashion so it lasts years and years and years? why?  .....That's exactly the stuff most donate as well as clean out when you are over 50 and fabulous.....Sorry, used to love watching but you are losing me slowly .....

@soozer Old lady shaming?  And "old lady" is shameful?  Ageist thinking?  Shameful!  Not trendy fasions for me my whole life.  I happily wear classics.  Nothing shameful about it.  More important things in life for me than trends. More respect for aged people too all my life. 

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Re: OMG --- What are they thinking....

Such sweeping statements with no real info is beyond rude.

Lynn-Critter Lover!
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Re: OMG --- What are they thinking....

It's really one of the frequent QVC bashes, just delivered as a poorly worded insult to an entire group, intentionally or not.

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Re: OMG --- What are they thinking....

I don't dress to be trendy. I'm 69 and wear for comfort. I wear jeans, joggers, sweats, shorts, tee shirts, sneakers, sandals, cowboy boots. Don't know where you live but trendy is I think different in different parts of the country. We in the west (Arizona) dress for comfort and coolness. Trendy here is jeans, boots, shorts. 

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Re: OMG --- What are they thinking....

What is wrong with walking shoes and pull on pants. As women get older there are certain health issues like bunions and bladder control that make these products convenient. I know that not every woman experiences these things but for those who do the products are helpful.
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Re: OMG --- What are they thinking....

But if QVC is trying to attract a younger demographic, despite Fifty and Fabulous, by going to streaming and social media, then the products will have to change.  Is what they now present appealing to anyone under 40???