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Not seeing much I want this Fall

I never buy many summer clothes because it's a very short season where I live, but my clothes buying usually picks up a lot when they start showing the cooler weather items. This year I'll be saving money because I'm judt not seeing much that appeals to me.  In truth, I have way too many clothes so it does take something unique or a new, pretty color to catch my eye. At this point, I'm not going to buy any tops that are black, navy,  white, beige or any warn toned color and so many items are being shown in orange, gold, and traditional Fall colors I can't wear. There seem to be few cool toned colors except navy and some greens.  One color I've seen that appeals to me is Fall Pink. As far as pants, I'm not going to buy some wild color for bottoms like orange that wouldn't go with much or tops with large patterns or big plaids. I could afford to shop but won't be buying much. 


I realize I must be in the minority and I'm glad if others are loving the Fall fashions but I will be saving money.  It's simply not my year apparently. 

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Re: Not seeing much I want this Fall

Saving money is wonderful! Sometimes I wonder how much clothes people need. Of course, I'm retired now so work clothes isn't an issue. My closet is eight feet wide can hold what I own.

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Re: Not seeing much I want this Fall

@VancouverUSAgal    I'm living the opposite here.  Our daily average temperatures will hover right around 90 for another 2 months at least, so even something as simple as a mock turtleneck cotton top is out of the question.


I did manage to find a pair of season-appropriate bottoms on deep sale at Chico's a few days ago, but everything new even locally I can easily pass without much interest even though I love the fall colors and they love me back.  Good thing that like you I have no real clothing needs.

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Re: Not seeing much I want this Fall

 I love fall colors and clothes but have plenty.  Purchased a few pieces but cutting myself off for a bit.  I'm trying to shop more local too.  Just going out and looking and trying on satisfies me.  Better deals as well.  


Just purged my closets and plenty went bye bye.  Decided enough is enough already.  


Closet looks great and happy with the clothes I have.  Just a few pieces now and then makes me happy.  I do love clothes.

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Re: Not seeing much I want this Fall



I know what you mean about colors:  Have had a few years where the colors were " muddy " and bought nothing in stores or Q.   Thank goodness I had staples in my closet that worked until the designers found their way back !

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Re: Not seeing much I want this Fall

I bought a lot of Spring/Summer clothes from QVC this year.  My day to day wardrobe was lacking but the main reason was because we're going on a cruise at the end of the year.  I was surprised to find so much I liked and did go a little overboard.  However, QVC's Fall fashions are not catching my eye.  I haven't  purchased anything and decided early on that what I have will do.   

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Re: Not seeing much I want this Fall

No I'm not watching the fashions--I bought last falls warm clothes this past late winter, early spring---- didn't get to wear it much, so it is brand new--and just bought 2 more pairs of jeans  to add to the ones I bought a few months ago as well as new leather shoes--so I'm good. 


@VancouverUSAgal ---am I to believe you are Vancouver WA? I live up north in Woodinville. 

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Re: Not seeing much I want this Fall

I have a pair of cream colored wide (but not too wide) leg pants. I wore them to my stepsons wedding reception and loved them. I want to get a pair or two more. 

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Re: Not seeing much I want this Fall

@VancouverUSAgal  I have not found anything to my liking since the Cancer with Benefits sale.  I am actually proud as I too have saved money and I take that to the bank!

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Re: Not seeing much I want this Fall

hear you I got a sweater from a local what Q would call Hi End boutique, because they get things in and rarely reorder,  a splurge bag 


and just ordered 2 tops from A for the upcoming Jewish holidays


but other than that......not much