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Re: Lie Is Good??

[ Edited ]

I am very sorry for your loss.  There is help for you.  

I know exactly what you mean about the clothing line.  My husband and our son died about 2 years apart, and now I am alone.  

I wondered how other people could even laugh or smile while I was so sad.  I am in grief counseling and seeing a doctor for depression; both have helped me a lot and I have made new dear friends through the counseling.

Now, not all of the time, but more and more, I can watch the clothing presentations.   When I can't watch I turn the channel.

Please remember there is help for you.


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@clista i am so very sorry for your losses, and i pray that your journey becomes a little more bearable each day. 

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Re: Lie Is Good??

[ Edited ]

@clista I hope your life before they passed was good.  Was wonderful.  I can't imagine how much you must miss them.  But I hope in the days ahead you can find comfort and find things that will bring more happiness to. you.


Maybe in the meantime you might try to think of "life is good" to remember the joy and some of the good times you had with your loved ones in a small way rather than thinking of today when you hear the phrase.


Please think about finding someone to talk to--a counselor, minister, rabbi or someone who deals with grief counseling.  Maybe they could help you let out a little bit of your grief enough to start letting in some happiness again.  I feel sure your husband and son would wish this for you more than anything.  All of my family but one person is gone.  So it's not like I've never thought about how you must feel because some day it will be me or that other person alone.


Please accept my condolences and -- even some hugs if I were someone in your life.   And I wish you some good in your life again in the coming days.  

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

I've experienced much loss myself.


I see the world LIFE as having 2 different contexts.


Life referring to your current situation is difficult & sad

But every day we wake up & have life ourselves, it's a gift and an opportunity.


I don't like any kind of affirmation clothing, you are right, it can be hard for some people to see it.



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@clista  I am so sorry for your losses and difficult challenges that you are facing.  You are, of course, grieving and it might make it difficult to relate to another's joy.   I hope that you are kind with yourself, these are immense life changes that you have experienced.  Words seem so meaningless when going through such a loss.  I respect your feelings and understand your current response. 

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@clista  I’m so very sorry for your losses.I can’t imagine the pain you feel. Please know you have friends here willing to listen & help.

  The name of the company wasn’t meant to kick people when they’re down. But rather to uplift.I understand that at the place you’re at, that you’re not ready to be uplifted. That’s okay.You need to go at your own pace.Ignore it.Please don’t take it personally.

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My deepest condolences. Your life is definitely not good now.Your heart is hurting, the grief seems insurmountable. 

I wish you healing, and a easing of this horrible pain.

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@clista    I also am so sorry for your recent loss.  I agree with you.    These lines of clothes professing this and that are tacky and unecessary. 

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I feel for your profound losses. But I don’t understand your reference to a clothing line and also your header, which says that a “lie is good.” Huh?

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

First, I offer my heartfelt condolences on the passing of your husband.  The grieving process can be very difficult, and my prayers go out to you.  I've lost many friends and loved ones to cancer and heart disease....In fact one of my dear friends lost her husband just recently.


You're hurting, but there's many others enjoying life and énjoying happy moments .....   I bet there were times in your past when you felt life was good, yet I bet others were alo hurting, but yet you got to celebrate the good times in your life.  Its not fair to stop everyone from çelebrating. As someone suggested you may want to consider a grief counselor.  With time I hope you'll come to a healing place...HUGS!.


Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”