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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out

[ Edited ]

@shaggygirl wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

I didn't look at this year's Christmas stuff, but I looked last year.


Some of the items she was selling were available on Walmart's site.  Same item, same brand, only less expensive.


Almost all holiday decorations are made in China...

It's been pointed out a few times about finding the same things elsewhere for less but the faithful fans say that they know it but don't care. They want to buy from her. They want to keep her in business because they say they love her.


Ya know many of those women have found a place to go for friendship and comaraderie there on her facebook page. When she does those live chats a majority of them are talking not to her but back and forth to each other. Some of them live for those live chats, they say they look forward to it all week, or it's the biggest hightlight of their week, when she chats live while walking in NYC or over in Italy they say they live through her travels. It's serious stuff over there. Just for that reason I hope even if her business fails that she will continue to keep the facebook page going for those who feel so strongly. They would miss it terribly I think. Not all of them are so devoted and dependant on it for their" happy place"  but quite the number. At least it seems that way from their posts.

@shaggygirl  Very interesting.  I noticed that also, when I was still occasionally looking at her FB page within the first two years after she left QVC.  Her most devoted FB followers bought items from her, but it was like it had nothing to do with the actual items she was selling.  It's truly a way of life, and they feel Lisa is a part of their family.  If Lisa was late in posting her morning sunrise photo, some posters totally freaked out.  They said they could not begin their day until seeing the sunrise from her house.  She would apologize for being late to post the sun.    


They will be there strong no matter what she sells or what she does, and always rise her up to the level of the most important person in their world, as evidenced by the OP's continued, massively exaggerated posts.


I don't mind the OP's posts at all.  They are fascinating, highly bizarre, but fascinating to me.  They don't aim to harm or denigrate anyone, which we all know cannot be said for a lot of the posts we see on this board on a daily basis.  I like the counter points made, and the attempts to see if the OP will ever see reality versus fantasy. Either way, it's all interesting to me.  

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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out

Women of wealth don't buy knock offs and designer inspired imports.

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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out


With all respect to you... Lisa did decorate with the set designers and Valerie many times.  The trees look awful now and Lisa's trees look amazing.


Not Lisa's  fan when she was on Q but she upped Q's level of quality in so many arenas when she left it was a stunner.  Q has become Walmart in  quality .The new hosts are awful with Alberti being the exception.  When the OP posts everyone attacks Lisa and the things said are not true. She is working extremely hard to make a living but at least she is living.  I have so much respect for a 50 year old woman who had no fear, tremendous energy, knowledge and a superior work ethic.  Why everyone has to be so ugly about her is bewildering. 

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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out

@hopi  May I ask how you know LR decorated with the set designers?  Do you or did you work for QVC?



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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out

@JONNYSBRO  I took a look at the tree, and I have to admit that it’s the most beautiful Christmas tree I’ve ever seen! Hands down. Too bad it would cost thousands of dollars to replicate. The ornaments are absolutely stunning! I’ve never been a fan of LR, but kudos to her and her team for decorating that tree.

F/N/A luvstogarden
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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out

INHO  If everything was truely flying out the door, don't you think she would not have to sell things from her couch on Face book????

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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out

@bootsanne wrote:

@JONNYSBRO  I have to send you a big shout out!!!!   My last few months have been a constant round of doctor's visits for my husband and numerous problems around the house.  If it weren't for your ridiculous posts about a has-been shopping channel host, and wondering how long it takes for the thread to be closed, I don't know  how much longer I can go on.


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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out

@fingerlakesny - LR is a former host on the Q - she's been gone several years, however, this person is obsessed

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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out

[ Edited ]

We all have a different aesthetic.  It's a personal thing.  For me, my home is lived in.  Wear your shoes inside, cuddle up on my couch with a throw I've knit and take a nap. Pop into the kitchen and help yourself to what's on the stove or in the fridge.  My family and friends are welcome any time.  I have always had a "real" tree that sheds needles, needs water, is given aspirin and is decorated with old world ornaments from my mom, my MIL and those crazy popsicle stick and pine cone decorations my daughter and now grandkids have made!  Lisa would find it all cringeworthy.  That's okay. Her asethetic doesn't suit mine either.  For me, the season isn't about $1,500 fake trees, high end decorations or feather boas draped over lighting fixtures in my house.  And BTW, where does one store all of that "stuff' at the end of the season?  I sure don't have room for it and certainly don't want to.

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Re: LR Christmas items are selling out

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