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Every beauty brand plays games.  Claims that are far fetched, some that are almost false and their legal team approved certain wording, that if the vendor sticks to the script, they won't be actually lying.  IMO, all of the before and after pictures are doctored, not only JM's.


Shortly after Josie's face milk serum came out and I bought it, I received an email stating that I can return whatever portion of it I have left if I purchased it on the basis of believing that it broke up in molecules to absorb in my face.  The bad word was molecules and she now says particles or something less scientific.


Another example, I bought a Skinn oil from HSN only a few months ago.  Got the same kind of email, full page long email, with 4 different things that Dimitri said where I could return it if I purchased it because of the list of exaggerations spewed by the vendor.


They are on TV, blabbing away, and I can understand them going overboard with their descriptions of the wonders of their products.







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Funny, I saw this presented yesterday and it comes with a very long glass dropper applicator. I have heard PTR say many times his very large bottle of retinol doesnt come with one since it would have to be so long in size, he doesnt feel it is safe. Josies looked very awkward and way too oversized. 

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@PhilaLady1 wrote:

Every beauty brand plays games.  Claims that are far fetched, some that are almost false and their legal team approved certain wording, that if the vendor sticks to the script, they won't be actually lying.  IMO, all of the before and after pictures are doctored, not only JM's.


Shortly after Josie's face milk serum came out and I bought it, I received an email stating that I can return whatever portion of it I have left if I purchased it on the basis of believing that it broke up in molecules to absorb in my face.  The bad word was molecules and she now says particles or something less scientific.


Another example, I bought a Skinn oil from HSN only a few months ago.  Got the same kind of email, full page long email, with 4 different things that Dimitri said where I could return it if I purchased it because of the list of exaggerations spewed by the vendor.


They are on TV, blabbing away, and I can understand them going overboard with their descriptions of the wonders of their products.





You can understand vendors and hosts making claims that are not true????



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Registered: ‎05-24-2010

@ellaphant wrote:

@Chi-town girl wrote:

@ellaphant wrote:
Never said Q shoppers stupid. I've said Q beauty products very over priced and their claims are shady.
And many others have agreed w me.

Yes, you very regularly post 'judgey' comments about Q beauty products, vendors and how stupid Q customers are to shop here.

Nope never said customer are stupid. But yup, certainly find Q hosts and vendors extremely misleading. These products do not reverse aging . 

You are right @ellaphant  if you look at independent reviews, they all say Josie’s products are overpriced, and that you can get the same quality argan oil for a lot less.


Hang in there you are under attack because you have a different opinion about a QVC product.



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Registered: ‎06-06-2011

@ellaphant  I have used the argan oil from Amazon with great results. The last time I purchased was Pure Body Naturals. It's all I use on my face and people can't believe I am 77 years young. 😊

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein