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Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air

Good for Issac!It is about time the host was called out as they talk way to much, over talk the guest, talk about rude. In my opinion Issac is very humble and nice, and these host need to be called out, have no problem with this being on air. Jmo.
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Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air

[ Edited ]


When Louis Dell Olio is on, I just want to hear from him.  The good hosts like Mary Beth, Jill Bauer and let him talk.  He is a world class designer, 3 Time Coty Award Winner.  They know they have nothing to add when he talks about his clothing.

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Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air

Isaac has always (in this case) reminded me of my late husband.


Every Christmas, he'd sit and play with the girl's toys, etc.  You can see him on the VHS tapes saying, "Wow!  Let me see that".....and so on.  In other words, it's the first time he's looked at 'it'.


It's the same thing with Isaac.  I own a lot of his clothes and never for one minute have I ever thought he designed these clothes.


I watch him on Project Runway All Stars and the clothes he really likes are .....well...'interesting'??


Whenever he pulls out clothes being sold on QVC that he likes the colors are usually muted (i.e. grays, black, etc).  


Yet the clothes I love of his are very, very colorful.


I like him a lot and I like the QVC clothes with his NAME on them.

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Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air

@culebra  That is your opinion but I don't think vendors (designers) should take advantage of the situation nor should the hosts.  I think the vendor should have a little more time talking but not constant talking no matter what awards he holds.

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Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air



Good for you Isaac~!     I was wondering why on Monday night, Amy actually let Lori G. talk for 15 seconds without interrupting.   My DH calls her 'chicken lady' as she has a cackling to her voice, and says she must have ADHD.

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Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air

Amy is getting way too full of herself.  No longer a fan of hers with anyone. 

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Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air

@Grace6663582 wrote:
I find that Ally is hard to listen to because she talks way to much and so slowly that the product information barely gets discussed ,she cracks too many jokes and the term "as well" that she uses after every sentence inappropriately is ridiculous. I do not understand why the producers do not correct her. I saw the show with Louis and was glad he took over. Ally needs some pep in her step and in her presentation .I heard enough personal stories from the rest of them i want to jear about the item being presented.

And another pet peeve of mine is that she refers to EVERYTHING as "she".  If it's a shirt, it's a she, if it's a purse, it's a she, if it's a pair or shoes, they are a she.  Ridiculous. 

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Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air

I am glad he spoke up sometimes Amy never stops.Besides that,she talks so fast,can’t understand her.But of course that will be the same,management will not say a thing.

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Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air



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Posts: 517
Registered: ‎06-02-2012

Re: Isaac reprimanded Amy on air

@just wonder wrote:

Amy is getting way too full of herself.  No longer a fan of hers with anyone. 

Could not agree more. She is full of herself and I guess in

business money makes all the difference, as the powers to be just care about what her sales are. I just do not understand why the producers and directors do not repremand her for talking so fast. Half the time I cannot even understand what she is saying as she is speaking so fast, but the dollar signs count more.                bamasec