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Those are legitimate concerns, but hardly anything to bring to work and mention on air. Many people have those same issues and are trying to keep it together on $40,000 a year, not $400,000. I hope she finds peace.

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If people dislike her so much, why are they not only watching her shows, but following her on social media??????


If I don't like someone, I avoid them.  Life is too short to stalk people you dislike just to bad mouth them.

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I hope not; I like her.  I don't follow her on social media, maybe that makes a difference.

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@maximillian wrote:



She's a bit dramatic?  I guess I have not picked up on that characteristic.  What I have picked up on is that she is a cute blonde with a good body and she wants us to notice that.

that's what i noticed immediately when i first watched her.  

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Hosts (and vendors) are coming and going...mostly going. I'm not sure if it's their chioce or the management, but it doesn't affect me.

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Don't care for her, wouldn't miss her and no I don't watch her shows or follow her on social media... As for cutting her a break, we all have our crosses to bear, some more than others and certainly more than the ones she seems to want to air for all to hear... 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Is Kerstin Leaving?

[ Edited ]

Normally I don't check host's social media, I fact checked to determine what was actually going on.....  If your family is healthy, you and your spouse are employed, "life is good" says the t-shirt brand she wears often......A lot of people are going through a lot rougher things right now, and the "drama" was unnecessary and much ado about nothing ....easily fixed.....YAY Mary DeAngelius....Emergencies or sudden schedule changes have occurred before on QVC, afterall its LIVE TV!....Rick had to do a bra show when a host suddenly became ill .....(he was professional and actually did a good job too)



Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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@FranandZoe wrote:

Good for Mary for stepping in.  What a great person.  

@Spurt wrote:

....easily fixed.....YAY Mary DeAngelius....Emergencies/sudden changes have occurred before on QVC.....  

I think you're misunderstanding what happened. Mary and David were scheduled from 12-4pm ET and Kerstin was scheduled from 4-6pm ET on Sunday the 20th. The 3:30-4pm ET timeslot was a special presentation of fashions due to the Today's Special Value sell out and Mary finished her shift with the different product line-up (David signed off early). Kerstin started her 4-6pm ET shift as scheduled. 

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Re: Is Kerstin Leaving?

[ Edited ]

A sign of maturity is being able to discern the difference between a crisis and the everyday unexpected issues that are simply dealt with without overreacting. Social media has provided the perfect platform for drama behavior. A few strokes on the keyboard, a photo immediately taken and uploaded, and now the world knows that we have a hangnail causing immeasurable pain that has ruined the perfect family photo. Ugh


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@banned again wrote:

I think you're misunderstanding what happened. Mary and David were scheduled from 12-4pm ET and Kerstin was scheduled from 4-6pm ET on Sunday the 20th. The 3:30-4pm ET timeslot was a special presentation of fashions due to the Today's Special Value sell out and Mary finished her shift with the different product line-up (David signed off early). Kerstin started her 4-6pm ET shift as scheduled. 


Reminds me of the:

Abbott & Costello Who's On First routine....


"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
