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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: “In this Day Of Age”

@Pook Well, it seems to matter to people here. 

@Puppy Lips   A few people here out of all who post here is not even a drop in the bucket of all who actually post here or watch and buy here!!  Even if a few judgemental posters who watch to find every little fault with certain hosts chose to not purchase no matter how much they might want something, I'm sure that does not have any effect on sales for this host!!!

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Re: “In this Day Of Age”

@Pook wrote:

@Pook Well, it seems to matter to people here. 

@Puppy Lips   A few people here out of all who post here is not even a drop in the bucket of all who actually post here or watch and buy here!!  Even if a few judgemental posters who watch to find every little fault with certain hosts chose to not purchase no matter how much they might want something, I'm sure that does not have any effect on sales for this host!!!

@Pook I agree that the posters here are a very small percentage of people who watch and buy.  But I stand by my opinion that management should do what they can to help the hosts IMPROVE their performance, and that includes correcting them on phrases and pronunciations.  Why let them continue on saying something wrong?  And if it hurts their feelings to be corrected, well then, they are in the wrong profession.


As a side note, remember when Pat James Dimentri (sp) said the phrase, "as well," at the end of so many sentences?  She did it for a long time and posters here made fun of it.  Then she abruptly stopped, thank goodness.  Someone must have pointed it out to her.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: “In this Day Of Age”

@PickyPicky3 wrote:

Personally, I like the sound and impact of "In this day of age" better than the redundant "In this day and age."


But it doesn't mean anything. It would make a good title for a book about ..........??

What I thought, too, @PickyPicky3 . It would make a great book title.


And, going back to a different post, it's not a regional phrase. Not everything can be explained away as "regional."

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.