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Registered: ‎07-19-2015

I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

I've noticed that unlike in the past when something sold out if you put it on your wish list the item would often come back in stock eventually and you had the chance to reorder. Now - like with the VPH fall item shows for example - essentially EVERYTHING is the "ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!" (and in the case of the VPH show with Rick, nearly everything sold out in real time.) 


and I think I figured out WHY . . .


That warehouse they lost in North Carolina was one of their biggest, so since then, between legit supply chain issues and less storage space, I think the Q is intentionally ordering light. So when they bought 3,000 of an item, that really is what they bring in, and that's it. They don't reorder it for the year. They figure they will easily sell 3,000 of the thing and it will sell out, so there's no risk in keeping a bunch of excess inventory in a warehouse. Making many things "one and done," and only legitimately reordering the next year/several months later if the item sold out quickly and they think that will happen again, otherwise it's gone!

And they move on, which looks better for the books because they aren't carrying an excess of inventory, but also too bad for us if we snoozed on something and didn't jump fast enough, making the shows seem much more like a live auction. (Hence all the "put it in your cart and finish checkout or you'll miss it!" spiels. That's no longer just sales talk. You really will miss it in some cases now.)

I suppose this is good for the Q, but not so much for us. Thoughts?

Posts: 60
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

I think overall, the economy is not good in some places. Inflation, especially food inflation has hit a lot of folks. Clothing purchases for most brick & mortar stores are way down. Supply issues also play a factor. You made many valid points. 

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Re: I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

I can't say I disagree with anything in your post, but your live auction comment really hit the target. 


Astute observation~~~

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Re: I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

I think it's just sales talk  along with "the order just arrived today!" among other sales jargon.

QVC is a shopping channel as we all know so they want you to buy, buy, buy. It's late and I just can't remember some of the other sales pitch right now.  Come on Forum members help me out with some of the other regular sales pitch talk !  Woman LOL

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Re: I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

The way QVC is operating now is the best way for a retail company to stay profitable.  Create urgency to buy, decrease inventory on hand and minimize markdowns (fewer pieces left).  It's the fiscally responsible way to go. 

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Re: I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

For example: the days of QVC ordering 100,000 pieces of the TSV are probably gone. 


When they started doing repeats of the same TSV to get rid of the inventory, you could see a shift coming in the way they were going forward. 


The CCB linen shirt comes to mind, but there were others. 

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Re: I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

The root of the problem lies with the unfortunate economic situation in CHINA

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

and the unfortunate economic situation in the US....

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Re: I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

Its my opinion that businesses can not rely on manufacturers any more.  If a factory chooses not to make an item anymore this country has no choice but to accept it.  Most all other countries have us in their control since we no longer are self sufficient.  


Add to that the problems with the shipping industry and now the Panama Canal due to lack of rain is so low that ships can not enter and they are backed up for weeks or months.  So there are going to be shortages again.

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Re: I think I figured out WHY it's the ONLY ORDER OF THE YEAR!

company has too much inventory, they need to move what they have and make money


one of the reasons TJ M companies are successful it that they plan on selling thru in 6 weeks and then it's gone, different business model from how Q operated but I think that is what hindered them 


a trip on eBay shows how much excess inventory was bought in palettes and the prices are a fraction of what the Q price, some  of it still current goods