Posts: 40
Registered: ‎10-10-2018
I’m sorry but I am so BORED with the same programming lately!! I HATE that HSN & QVC are sharing the same guests/products! It’s obnoxious and it leaves less variety/choices for us!
Harry on HSN, blah. Beekman on QVC, blah.
I love them both but I do NOT need them on two channels. It’s too much & I tune out. ESP if I don’t like the product in the first place, now I’m stuck with it on two channels!? UGH. I tune out & turn off. Get some new brands/new products will you please!? Stop forcing the same thing down our throats. VARIETY PLEASE. Not the same thing on HSN & QVC, bad enough it’s the same thing on Q2.
I’m buying WAY less than I used to. Again...because I’m BORED!
Well that’s my two cents.... 😂
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Totally agree with your post. Too much. Can’t keep track who’s on what!  Too much overlap. I liked the separate channels. Now it a conglomeration of the same products being shoved down my throat!  


I am also buying less and less. 


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I could not agree more!  I have no desire to watch Beekman and others that both channels have on. I am bored to death with all the repeats of products.  I am watching Evine more now just to get away from the same old same old.  We need variety!! 

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I know.  I just don't bother tuning in anymore and just check recent programs out on line.  If something of interest sells out before I see it, then so be it.  I can usually find it elsewhere.


I remember back in the day the Q would have all day craft/project shows or the 50/50 tours.  I would take a day off work to watch.  Now the programming is repetitive and redundant.   There is no uniqueness.



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I have stopped watching for the most part, except Linea, gold jewelry. I use the web.

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It was more interesting when HSN and QVC had thir own identities; now they're moving toward becoming the same. I think one or the other will be gone within the year.

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I am not a HSN customer and I appreciate that QVC has VARIETY.. It is easy. Do not shop on two channels, choose one and stay with it.

Posts: 46
Registered: ‎01-18-2019

Having these products on both QVC and HSN is a big, big, bore.  It used to be go to one and get items and then go to the other and get other items.  Now it is one show on two stations.  Boring.


Don't forget, not only on HSN, but on QVC and then on QVC2.  Greed, Greed, Greed.


By the way,  flipping through channels this morning, on QVC2 was Beekman.  Shawn was the host.   What a mess.  She was introducing the Beekman men and she touched one of heads of the guys.  She acted like she was a partner in their product.  Annoying, had to change the channel but it did not matter since they were on the original channel of QVC.


This is all a mess.  QVC and HSN spend so  much time with the TSV that all day long

it is on.


Getting too big and messing up in a lot of ways.

Posts: 46
Registered: ‎01-18-2019

I wonder if Joy Mangano and IMAN are gone already from HSN.  For the past month/month and a half all you see is Joy's products on clearance.


That is unusual for JOY, she always has new products.  If she comes on QVC there will be a lot of competition for attention.



Could you see Susan Graver and Joy Mangano together.   It would be non stop talking.

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@bdoby  I read here that Joy Mangano and iMan both got the boot from HSN.