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Can MBR say HERE'S THE THING in on  one Quackery Factory hour presentation.....




she tries to change it up by saying HERE'S THE KEY.....  

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could it be like a drinking game??

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You can always tell that MBR trained a new host ,when  the new host say's ,


  "Heres the thing"......................  lol

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As many times as Leah says "can I tell you."

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If she never said HERES THE THING..... she could get her idea across just fine...  Just state what she wanted to say and NOT say HERES THE THING..... it is just an unnecessary phase to use like UMMMMM.    

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Since she's had this habit for almost three decades now, I don't expect it to change anytime soon...

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@loriqvc wrote:

Since she's had this habit for almost three decades now, I don't expect it to change anytime soon...

@loriqvc    yes... but she could work on stopping this as she is a professional speaker/ sales person and should want to be at her best.  It is nothing more than a bad habit,,, but very hard to listen to over and over again every presentation.  I makes the customer tune out... or just wait to listen for the HERES THE THING.....

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I like MBR's presentations for the most part, but frankly, the repetition of that phrase does get to me and I have to change the channel.  It's probably really hard to drum up something to say about a product that's been hawked hundreds of times, but it is her job.  I couldn't take amazing, amazing and kooky, crazy and so many other phrases that are just repeated ad nauseum.    Every time  a channel is changed, it's a potential lost sale.

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Probably as many times as Mary says, "my friend" to every presenter.

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Here's the thing...........she just can't help herself.  (I find it super annoying tho)