Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎03-17-2016

Don't you love how they said they were all back up and running and the web is still a mess?


Hello, Laura Geller 6 pays not showing. I feel for the poor CS reps having to clean up this!

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,162
Registered: ‎08-01-2015

I read today that there has been a widespread multi-country randsomeware cyber attack but am not sure this cyber attack applies to QVC. I dont fret about my orders and purchases and worry ALOT more about the fragility of a world so dependant on computers. The resultant fallout from any major attack would be far worse then any purchases I could make on the web and affect ones very existence and way of life. Now that is something to worry about.  (Like I said I am not sure this worrisome news applies to the tech problems at QVC but just a thought?)

Super Contributor
Posts: 321
Registered: ‎04-19-2010

Are you saying you out something in your cart, then expected it to go through as an order?  Maybe I misunderstood!  If you did, it should stay there for a while unless it sells out.  After a period of time it disappears into the lower section in case you change your mind and decide to buy the item.. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 988
Registered: ‎05-02-2010

the CEO needs to be fired immediately.  and that goes for the IT department.  They arte losing millions of dollars and rightly desrve too.


to the poster who said they should use amazon, they have the gold standard, I totally agree.  QVC is a cheap company who would go on the cheap to save a dollar, hence the IT issues, going on a week already

Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,384
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

As I've mentioned in previous posts on this topic..I've yet to see a problem with the HSN computer system.  Wonder why they can do so well and QVC cannot?

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,107
Registered: ‎04-20-2013

It may have to do with the worldwide hack....two hospitals were affected in Pa.  My shopping experience is a minor irritation compared to hospitals and financial institutions being hacked....I just put it inprospective, my sketchers weren't as important as someone's medical care.  My Apple Watch dialed 911 spontaneously after an SOS message appeared on Its face.  My friend in IT said 911 services were hacked in the Metro NYC area and operators had to waste valuable time and resources verifying calls coming through to 911.  The operator did verify with me that I did not need help.  Then, I was worried why my watch displayed SOS and called monitors vital signs....not only that, my watch notified my niece who is one of my emergency contacts that I called for help....she was on a bus between NYC & NJ and Google map showed her my location which was not my home....she was frightened and just lost her Mom, my sister, 2 weeks ago.  And, it went through my emergency contacts notifying each one resulting in calls and texts.  Suddenly, my QVC order was forgotten....


Anazon also had a major hack and Apple....I'm sure it's not QVC's IT department being inferior...