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Registered: ‎05-28-2011

Does anybody know what top Jane Tracy has on in the infomercial for her Friday shows?  It's blue and white.



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Posts: 854
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I'm trying to recall. It may have been shown on the show last week on Friday---they one with Courtney. And if I am correct, it is by Kim Gravel.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 83
Registered: ‎05-28-2011

Thank you.

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Registered: ‎04-29-2010

@Mega Shopper wrote:

Does anybody know what top Jane Tracy has on in the infomercial for her Friday shows?  It's blue and white.




@Mega Shopper


This may be the Kim Gravel top you were thinking about. A382358
Hope this helps! Have a great evening.Smiley Happy

Host JT070921.jpgBellebyKimGravelBatikStripeSlubSweaterTopA382358.jpg