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What host????   Does she have a name????

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Registered: ‎04-05-2010

Re: Great hosts

[ Edited ]


@Spurt wrote:

QVC should hire her as the permanent host trainer

I think that might have been the case years ago. But times have changed.


I don't believe they want the "old school" type training. Though a lot of their base is still the shoppers of old, and prefer to see the older, saner, more professional style of presenting...I believe they are set on being in "today" and "moving forward" and trying to gain and maintain younger viewership. An understandable plan. May not be working with so much of their base still being those of us older shoppers. But, who knows if it will, ever. Or maybe by then on air shopping will be gone. David's gonna retire some day! lol.


And, unless I'm just SO flippin' out of touch with what younger people love and want (probably!) is this working on them? Like  the chatty, group sell? "Atmospheric" shows...sitting around like it's friggin' happy hour? Lolol 🙄🍷🥂 Or a pajama party?! Louder, louder, crazier, frenetic🤪 that really how the "short-attentioned" online "gen-whatever-we're-now-on" shops? Kinda? Maybe. IG shoppers. Tick Tockers. I think they're trying to sell in that style now and appeal to them. 


So, while Kathy and MBR used to be the gold standard for training...not sure that's what they're shooting for now. 


Personally, imho, they went too far at the expense of common sense (what hasn't these days?) and professionalism and down-to-earth good salesmanship. I can say first hand...those traits still work.


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Registered: ‎05-24-2010

@amyb wrote:


@Spurt wrote:

QVC should hire her as the permanent host trainer

I think that might have been the case years ago. But times have changed.


I don't believe they want the "old school" type training. Though a lot of their base is still the shoppers of old, and prefer to see the older, saner, more professional style of presenting...I believe they are set on being in "today" and "moving forward" and trying to gain and maintain younger viewership. An understandable plan. May not be working with so much of their base still being those of us older shoppers. But, who knows if it will, ever. Or maybe by then on air shopping will be gone. David's gonna retire some day! lol.


And, unless I'm just SO flippin' out of touch with what younger people love and want (probably! lol) is this working on them? Like  the chatty, group sell? "Atmospheric" shows...sitting around like it's friggin' happy hour? Lolol 🙄🍷🥂 Or a pajama party?! Louder, louder, crazier, frenetic🤪 that really how the "short-attentioned" online "gen-whatever-we're-now-on" shops? Kinda? Maybe. IG shoppers. Tick Tockers. I think they're trying to sell in that style now and appeal to them. 


So, while Kathy and MBR used to be the gold standard for training...not sure that's what they're shooting for now. 


Personally, imho, they went too far at the expense of common sense (what hasn't these days?) and professionalism and down-to-earth good salesmanship. I can say first hand...those traits still work.


I don’t think it has anything to do with age.


Young or old who wants to hear about kids, homes, vacations, and husband’s ad nauseum.


We didn’t have social media 35 years ago. We do now. So, if viewers are interested in all of that they can follow them. Problem solved.


I think you hit the nail on the head. @amyb  “they went too far at the expense of common sense”

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Posts: 34,126
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Great hosts

[ Edited ]



This scenario the host's are your friends and QVC's "pseudo celebrities" and "stars"..inviting customers to interact with them on social media and their live stream channels isn't working in terms of increasing sales.  Declines in sales are now in double digits.  This started back in 2015 continues pre-pandemic and post pandemic, with and without supply chain issues, before the Ukraine War.  Go to the website and read all the questions viewers have asked about products that go unanswered----THEIR TV PRESENTATION FAILED 


Qvc is a retail business and the products should be the stars.  Qvc is never going to capture the younger demographic but they can carve out the 40 plus age group which has more disposable cash to spend. Yes, the host's should show personality but these juvenile antics and immature silliness is making people turn the channel and not watch and buy....SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE!!!   QVC can't continue to go down this path!

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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@Spurt wrote:



This scenario the host's are your friends and QVC's "pseudo celebrities" and "stars"..inviting customers to interact with them on social media and their live stream channels isn't working in terms of increasing sales.  Declines in sales are now in double digits.  This started back in 2015 continues pre-pandemic and post pandemic, with and without supply chain issues, before the Ukraine War.  Go to the website and read all the questions viewers have asked about products that go unanswered----THEIR TV PRESENTATION FAILED 


Qvc is a retail business and the products should be the stars.  Qvc is never going to capture the younger demographic but they can carve out the 40 plus age group which has more disposable cash to spending. Yes, the host's should show personality but these juvenile antics and immature silliness is making people turn the channel and not watch and buy....SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE!!!   QVC can't continue to go down this path!

Yes, I know and agree with you 100%. 

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Posts: 7,687
Registered: ‎01-22-2012

@amyb wrote:


@Spurt wrote:



This scenario the host's are your friends and QVC's "pseudo celebrities" and "stars"..inviting customers to interact with them on social media and their live stream channels isn't working in terms of increasing sales.  Declines in sales are now in double digits.  This started back in 2015 continues pre-pandemic and post pandemic, with and without supply chain issues, before the Ukraine War.  Go to the website and read all the questions viewers have asked about products that go unanswered----THEIR TV PRESENTATION FAILED 


Qvc is a retail business and the products should be the stars.  Qvc is never going to capture the younger demographic but they can carve out the 40 plus age group which has more disposable cash to spending. Yes, the host's should show personality but these juvenile antics and immature silliness is making people turn the channel and not watch and buy....SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE!!!   QVC can't continue to go down this path!

Yes, I know and agree with you 100%. 

Of course the Q has changed and been changing for a long while now. They have almost dumped all the old hosts who were not bringing in the bacon. But, in their desire to "change", they didn't remember how important it was to also KEEP all their old and loyal customers. The new and young hosts are now almost in charge of fashion. Jayne, Mary Beth, Pat, Carolyn (except for D&Co) are actually being "shelved." These older are no longer the "face" of the Q. 

The Q will never capture the young or Gen Z. These young do not wait for 7-10 day deliveries, or they will never sit to watch an hour or two of Dooney and Bourke handbags. They want immediate gratification. 

Now the Q is in a conondrum: the young won't watch; the old no longer like. 

The Q looks for expansion in the wrong places, like hosts, cute shows, whooping and hollering, singing and dancing. There's not even one host that holds the talent to keep an audience. The audience want PRODUCTS! Interesting and novel products. The Q needs to look away from hosts and on to products. 

I've watched the Q go downhill for years now. It all started when they got rid of vendors and wanted all the profit instead of sharing.


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Posts: 34,126
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Great hosts

[ Edited ]

@febe1 wrote:

@amyb wrote:


@Spurt wrote:



This scenario the host's are your friends and QVC's "pseudo celebrities" and "stars"..inviting customers to interact with them on social media and their live stream channels isn't working in terms of increasing sales.  Declines in sales are now in double digits.  This started back in 2015 continues pre-pandemic and post pandemic, with and without supply chain issues, before the Ukraine War.  Go to the website and read all the questions viewers have asked about products that go unanswered----THEIR TV PRESENTATION FAILED 


Qvc is a retail business and the products should be the stars.  Qvc is never going to capture the younger demographic but they can carve out the 40 plus age group which has more disposable cash to spending. Yes, the host's should show personality but these juvenile antics and immature silliness is making people turn the channel and not watch and buy....SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE!!!   QVC can't continue to go down this path!

Yes, I know and agree with you 100%. 

Of course the Q has changed and been changing for a long while now. They have almost dumped all the old hosts who were not bringing in the bacon. But, in their desire to "change", they didn't remember how important it was to also KEEP all their old and loyal customers. The new and young hosts are now almost in charge of fashion. Jayne, Mary Beth, Pat, Carolyn (except for D&Co) are actually being "shelved." These older are no longer the "face" of the Q. 

The Q will never capture the young or Gen Z. These young do not wait for 7-10 day deliveries, or they will never sit to watch an hour or two of Dooney and Bourke handbags. They want immediate gratification. 

Now the Q is in a conondrum: the young won't watch; the old no longer like. 

The Q looks for expansion in the wrong places, like hosts, cute shows, whooping and hollering, singing and dancing. There's not even one host that holds the talent to keep an audience. The audience want PRODUCTS! Interesting and novel products. The Q needs to look away from hosts and on to products. 

I've watched the Q go downhill for years now. It all started when they got rid of vendors and wanted all the profit instead of sharing.




You're right, what attracted me to QVC was the unique products I didnt see anywhere else!....Friends would comment---"I like that, where did you find that ", on everything from clothing to kitchen gadgets to home items.....But now it's the same repetitive items, all the clothing looks alike---can't tell one brand from the other, most everything else I can find locally or everywhere online 

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”