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Why are the Fifty and Fabulous shows so chaotic?

Or could it be the people running around on and off the set, laughing and talking over one another, while the Temptations representative was trying to present her product.  Why are they attempting to sell products at all?  Or, if they must, what does Temptations have to do with empowering women?  It looked like a scene out of the old black and white comedy skits!  Fashion and different ways of styling, cosmetics and how to properly apply them, styling hair for different facial features, etc.,  are far more appropriate.

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Drama, comedy, commercials....even the local news.....have turned into "free-for-alls" of people trying to outdo one another.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Daffney wrote:

Why are the Fifty and Fabulous shows so chaotic?

Or could it be the people running around on and off the set, laughing and talking over one another, while the Temptations representative was trying to present her product.  Why are they attempting to sell products at all?  Or, if they must, what does Temptations have to do with empowering women?  It looked like a scene out of the old black and white comedy skits!  Fashion and different ways of styling, cosmetics and how to properly apply them, styling hair for different facial features, etc.,  are far more appropriate.


This is Q's idea of entertainment. Read some of the quarterly financial reports and you'll read how the CEO wants it this way.


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I don't need to watch any of these over the top 50 shows.....I'm already 80 and awesome! 😄

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Because they can and want to be like that.   50 isn't nothing.  😆 

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"Over Fifty and Fabulous, Frantic, and at times, Filthy."



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I'm so glad that I have the option to glance at "items Previously on Air".  Other than VPH (when she's on with Rick), that's the way I do my Q shopping pretty much.

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@JamesTheDude wrote:

Isn't it ironic how the older hosts act like children and the younger hosts act more like adults? Courtney Khondabi is only 35 but acts far more mature than the hosts over 50, like Shawn and Jane. She also talks like a normal human being and not a teenager on tiktok, like the older hosts do.

Agree; Terri Conn is also enjoyable to watch without all the dramatics.

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For anyone unhappy with some hosts, do what I do.  Do not watch.  Do not buy.  If I want fluff, I watch HSN to shop for bath and body products.

But as an older retired person, I would rather watch documentaries during the day that I have taped, if I want to watch TV.  When my DH and I end the day, we end it with a comedy show that we have taped.  Yes, end the day with funny!  
Obviously, the powers that be at QVC think certain behaviors are the way to go.  I personally think that is a big mistake.  I feel badly when I think of some of the lovely and refined hosts that have been fired from QVC over the years.

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Older vs Younger is a very unfair generalization.


I've never seen Jayne Brown, Leah, Mary Beth Roe or Sandra -- all over 50 years old -- act like children or in any way inappropriate.


I cannot say that for Shawn and Jane Treacy.  But I'd rather name names than group them all together like that.