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Registered: ‎06-11-2011

@RespectLife wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

What's comfy to one person isn't necessarily comfy to another person and vice versa.  Perhaps Amy is comfy in her very high heels (whereas I wouldn't be).  I've read that Jimmy Choos are comfy, although I don't own any.   Amy could be more comfy in high heels than in ballet flats -who knows?  What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another.




I agree!  To each their own!  I LIVE in heels.  Always have.  Even my flip flops have a wedge.  I am extremely comfy in them!


I broke many bones in both feet and ankles years ago.  Didn't heal properly.  There is nothing more painful to me than to be in a flat or bare footed.  EXCEPT:  Vionics!  When those first appeared, it was the first time in 15 years I could wear anything flat.

@RespectLife  Excellent points you've made.  (And glad you found vionic which, by the way, I cannot wear - they hurt! I've tried!).  Comfort is a personal thing; I'd never impose my standards for comfort for me upon someone else.

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Registered: ‎01-22-2012

I agree Amy has classic good looks and can look extraordinary in some clothes. And others, not so much.

I'm 5'4", just a smidge taller than Amy & similar weight, so I like to see what she's wearing.

Today with Laura Geller, she looked fantastic with her wide leg, black pants and off the shoulder white blouse. Her hair looked great pulled back on one side and her make-up perfect.

It was such a shame,however, I could understand very little of what she was saying. I've never heard anyone talk at the speed she was talking. Someone needs to talk to her. I wanted to see Laura, and she came near to ruining the show for me. What I could make out she was saying, adds almost nothing to the product value. However, Laura took over and did the selling.

I think Amy would make a good Petite model.


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Posts: 1,519
Registered: ‎08-13-2011
Re: Dressing Amy!!!

I agree Amy has classic good looks and can look extraordinary in some clothes. And others, not so much.

I'm 5'4", just a smidge taller than Amy & similar weight, so I like to see what she's wearing.

Today with Laura Geller, she looked fantastic with her wide leg, black pants and off the shoulder white blouse. Her hair looked great pulled back on one side and her make-up perfect.

It was such a shame,however, I could understand very little of what she was saying. I've never heard anyone talk at the speed she was talking. Someone needs to talk to her. I wanted to see Laura, and she came near to ruining the show for me. What I could make out she was saying, adds almost nothing to the product value. However, Laura took over and did the selling.

I think Amy would make a good Petite model.




I really think Amy is talking faster in an attempt to camouflage her speech problems.  That is why I often find it difficult to understand her, she seems to be just unable to pronounce certain letters/words.  When she says the word "call", it comes out "caw".  It sounds like she's calling crows.  You would think she would rephrase things and say "phone in".  


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Posts: 24,685
Registered: ‎07-21-2011

Re: Dressing Amy!!!

[ Edited ]

I strongly disagree.  Amy looks awful in Logo.  Tops are way too long for a petite woman.  i am glad that Amy cut her hair.  Now she can get that crimped wave look that looks good on her.  She is a tiny one and looks great for having two babies.     Cat Very Happy

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