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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Many years ago, I watched alot; however this was when Kathy Levine, Lisa Mason and even Suzanne Runyon (sp?) were hosts.  I found myself ordering Denim and Co., some of the no longer available items such as Cedar Canyon, Jessica Holbrook, CitiKnits, etc. were available.


These were in the times when if something needed to be returned, we received the original S&H back.  Also, they would offer reduced shipping if one ordered more than one of the same item.  


When one returned items, it didn't take what seems to be "forever" to receive the credit.  Nowadays, that isn't the case.


A few times I had to return some items that didn't fit according to the size charts, and I used my own label (not their return label) and still got charged for using theirs.  It took way too long to get the refund back for that and I had to prove it.


Now, with the prices and their offerings, I no longer buy anything.  The Q, IMO, is not what it used to be.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I definitely watch less. I have gotten tired of some of the annoying hosts and the products seem to be on some rotatation from show to show. It is less stressful to shop online for the few product lines that I purchase, and I do comparison shopping for those items. The products have gotten more expensive and the quality has clearly gone way down. The cost of shipping and returning items that are not as represented, with respect to size and/or quality, is too expensive. I realize that the world has changed, particularly with regard to the product supply chain. I would prefer that QVC offer quality products rather t junk just to say we have items to offer. You used to respect your promise of Quality, Value, Convenience and we did too. Now I just wonder when you sold out to 'Just Get Something Out the Door'. You are no longer the place that I refer my friends to or where I shop. Seriously, get your act together. You will become a bad footnote in the history on online shopping.   

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I watch very little now days.  I do check online a lot.  Most of the hosts are so unprofessional and I can't stand the hard sell tactic and their acting like we are children and don't have a brain in our heads.  I wasn't born yesterday. 



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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Yes because they do not describe the products well etc. They only talk about themselves and how many items they have purchased. Jane, Kerstin, Jennifer and Shawn ARE THE WORST!

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Yes, definitely watch far less and the why is easy..... QVC and the products they present do not hold the interest as they once did.  I've tried to figure out why and yes most of the hosts bother me for many reasons and the products are on the expensive side and when you get them they either don't work, are cheaply made or something .... so I send them back.  I even have a list of products or product types I do not buy from QVC at all after having bought them several times and being disappointed.  I used to love QVC.... but times have changed.   

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Yes.  I only watch vendors that I like and only "fashion."  There are only three that I usually watch if they are on when I'm home.  (Tolani, LOGO and Attitudes).  


Reasons for not watching more:


1.  A lot of brands I like are gone.  Some hosts and vendors are annoying.

2.  I have no interest in Calfornia-vibe clothing!  

3.  I have no interest in leisure clothing, swim wear, handbags, shoes or underwear.

4.  I have no interest in houseware items or exercise stuff. 

5.  I live in a high-rise apartment buildng ... no interest in house and garden stuff.


6. No interest in jewelry.




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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I stopped buying so much stuff I didn't need.


As I've gotten old(er) my world has gotten smaller.


I go to lunch 4 to 5 times a week with my friend.  I always put on makeup and wear nice clothes.  Usually Isaac's clothes because they are colorful.


My closets are full of all QVC.  Not much reason to keep buying clothes.


They say the same thing over and over.  I don't blame them.  I couldn't do what they do.  I'm not talking about the talking part.  I could probably do that.  

It's the being constantly up I couldn't do.  That takes way too much energy.

Posts: 28
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I never "watch" anymore! It's always the same stuff, same hosts......and I find the continued use of zoom with vendors (even though most of the country has gone back to living their lives and resumed normalcy)  when presenting annoying because they always talk over each other! I'm sure the Q found this a cost saving advantage for them? 🙄 It's obvious they are trying to save costs on shipping......still waiting on two things I ordered March 24?? 

I surf the online site.....but if qvc continues their partnership with Disney....I won't continue with them! ✌🏻

Super Contributor
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Registered: ‎02-14-2017

Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I hardly watch, and haven't purchased anything since January.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Some of the hosts stage appearance makes me turn it off.Don't know why except they think they well sell.Really don't buy as I use to.With this virus I still don't go as I did befor,besides I don't need the clothing Like I did.As folks have said,they keep selling the same things over an over,plus prices sky high.