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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

Are the hosts still ordering during the show? They used to say they had to have a particular color and size and ask, in their ear piece, for their director to place an order for them before it sells out.


Sales tactic or not, it was more than annoying and held up the show. If quantities were getting low in that size/color, it was not ethical, in my opinion, for them to be shopping while hosting. 

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

Marlo Smith,from HSN , recently purchased on air. She got her cell phone and told everyone she was ordering. She stopped talking and the cameras cut away. To me, it was tacky. All about me!!
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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

and she has two of everything

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

No. Nope. Nada. 

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

Most of the time when they say they purchased an item, I just assume it's sales pitch.  But I remember years ago, when QVC had the Elegance of 18K show (they had it once a month) there was a gorgeous bracelet that was the TSV.  I recall one of the hosts admiring it-- said they purchased it and I believed 

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

What a petty thing to complain about.

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?



Last night there was a new vendor on with Shawn and S was quite excited about her and mentioned on several items that she ordered before the show.  I think the items were posted online before the show so anyone who went online had the same advantage. The clothes were definately a style Shawn would like, not for me personally.

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

[ Edited ]



Shawn used to constantly order while hosting (yelling to her producer on air to order for her) and I thought that was tacky and not very professional.  Now she is telling us she pre-ordered before the show.  Sales tactic; possibly but she should not make the customer feel "she got hers!".  She was working before hand with this new vendor, talking of speaking with her on the phone prior to the show, and she probably did pre-order but did she have to tell us?  I feel part sales tactic, part she probably did order ahead because the clothes were kinda quirky like her.

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

@Styleovertrend  It's just another "Sales 101" tactic. Fortunately for them, and others, there are people who fall for sales ploys. 

Regarding clothing: If and when I watch any shopping channel, the host, or, especially the telephone callers, has never influenced my purchase; it's more a 'visual sell' if anything. 

F/N/A luvstogarden
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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

No, that falls under the same category as celebrities telling us how to vote, or how to save the environment, or........