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This is just so wrong.  People are expecting their tuekey and ham for Thanksgiving.


They should not take orders if they can't deliver in time.  It is time for QVC to drop this vendor. They aren't reliable.

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Registered: ‎10-07-2013

Next time go to the supermarket.  Ours had a wide selection of turkeys in various sizes.  Buy it there and bring it home.  No need to worry about delivery and probably less expensive, too.

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Posts: 269
Registered: ‎12-05-2010

I ordered from Corky's for thanksgiving on 11/12, As of yesterday it still said order in shipping date. So I reached Customer Service and they cancelled the order,  I am in chemotherapy and can't go into grovery stores as I have no immunity.
So, I had to do a fast last minute pick up order at a local grocer and got enough to make a meal.
Frankly, Corkys had tons of airtime on QVC and QVC2 over the past month advertising their food products. QVC really allowed them to make promises to us. 
I think Corky's should be cut off of any airtime for a while, if not permanently. 
I know I'd never buy from them again....and no more QVC food products for me. They need to clean out their vendors!

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Registered: ‎07-07-2013

@10000thnickname , Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Feel Good!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@10000thnickname wrote:

I ordered from Corky's for thanksgiving on 11/12, As of yesterday it still said order in shipping date. So I reached Customer Service and they cancelled the order,  I am in chemotherapy and can't go into grovery stores as I have no immunity.
So, I had to do a fast last minute pick up order at a local grocer and got enough to make a meal.
Frankly, Corkys had tons of airtime on QVC and QVC2 over the past month advertising their food products. QVC really allowed them to make promises to us. 
I think Corky's should be cut off of any airtime for a while, if not permanently. 
I know I'd never buy from them again....and no more QVC food products for me. They need to clean out their vendors!

@10000thnickname I agree!  I think that is their biggest issue. The same old same old have hung around and are stale and lackluster--plus not into service and quality in their products.  


Why not get some new people who have more current ideas and products?  QVC has turned into the 80's show. 

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Posts: 269
Registered: ‎12-05-2010

@Fribwi Thank you so much.

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Posts: 269
Registered: ‎12-05-2010

@Sooner  Yes I agree. Clearly it's been identified that Corky's cant fulfill orders in a timely manner, if at all. Once identified, they should not get airtime until they can show what they've done to improve.
And yes, I enjoy it when I see a new vendor. There were a few on the Gourmet Holiday shows but I can't trust QVC to buy food from them for now.
But yes some new products would be great.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,797
Registered: ‎06-20-2015
It’s a shame what happened to all of u. Hopefully u were able to have other alternatives for your holiday meal. 🙁
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎08-24-2010
My turkey showed up on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I ended up getting a backup just incase. The turkey was delicious. Thanks everyone for the kind words. Hope you all has a great holiday.