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Just a suggestion that somebody watch a whole show with closed captions.  Often the words and/or phrases are meaningless.  I called in when Tatcha came up as torture but the closed captions program needs some fine tuning.

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@vivarita I sometimes leave CC on for a couple of reasons tho my hearing is pretty good. Often words on the screen are different as they are often just "sounded out" if I'm explaining this right.


I always have it on when I use Netflix and this is very common.

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@vivarita wrote:

Just a suggestion that somebody watch a whole show with closed captions.  Often the words and/or phrases are meaningless.  I called in when Tatcha came up as torture but the closed captions program needs some fine tuning.

I agree.....thought of complaining myself about that. You would think that a large corporation would lose out on 

sales when the facts are not reported properly.

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@vivarita wrote:

 I called in when Tatcha came up as torture but the closed captions program needs some fine tuning.

@vivarita   Not all of them.  Depends on the cable company or whatever service you use to get tv stations.

 I currently have Verizon FIOS.  Their cc is more accurate than Comcast/Xfinity which is who I use to have.  However, Comcast/Xfinitiy forign language cc is more accurate than Verizon FIOS.


From FCC website....

"the quality of closed captioning falls on video programmers that prepare or make arrangements for the captions on their television shows, while the delivery and technical aspects of captioning remains the responsibility of distributors (such as cable or satellite companies). "

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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My hearing is so bad I use captions all the time. Every channel is different. 
I have a captioned phone. Someone has to type it. 

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I got into the habit of using cc with PBS and BBC shows and still use it quite often.  What I have found is that the regular channels do not do a great job of it.  I actually contacted NBC because their cc were more than several words behind and they responded that they did the best that they could.  Let's see--the British and other cable channels can do it but NBC and ABC do a poor job of it and see no reason to make a change.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@vivarita I sometimes leave CC on for a couple of reasons tho my hearing is pretty good. Often words on the screen are different as they are often just "sounded out" if I'm explaining this right.


I always have it on when I use Netflix and this is very common.

I have CC on during movies, especially ones with lots of talking. Sometimes the conversation is so fast, you miss importand dialog. 

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Studies have shown that using closed caption stimulates the brain by by paring sound with vision stimulation. When we lose hearing the brain get lazy. The brain suffers when it is deprived of stimulation.


Presbycusis is age related slow loss of hearing. It is estimated that 30% of adults older than 65 have hearing loss. 


We noticed that we were having difficulties with TV that had British accents such as the PBS programming. CC makes watching these show much more enjoyable. 


There is a way to use Bluetooth to link your smart phone and ear buds with your television. You can stream the TV through our phone/ear buds just like streaming music. This might help if you are not ready for hearing aids. 


Smart phone have lots of options for streaming sounds from the phone to the ear buds.

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Posts: 4
Registered: ‎08-30-2021

Didn't knww that it depended on the provider.  I too use it fo rPBS, Britbox, Acorn etc.  Those sites seem more accurate than  QVC.  i am moving and it will be interesting to see if the qvc captions improve.  Thanks for all the replies.