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@Reever wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@Reever wrote:

I refuse to partake in the retail madness. I tune out Christmas in July. I dont feel we should be promoting Christmas in the middle of summer. Its corporate greed at its finest. 

@Reever. They are in the business to make money as is every other retail store. That is what they do!



You dont see Macys or Kohls doing Christmas in July. Never liked the programming and they seem to be rubbing it in our faces more than ever. There is a contignet of die hard QVC addicts who hate it. Every year the same complaints surface.


CIJ has been around for decades in retail.  Macy's and Kohl's are not retail shopping channels so you don't watch it,

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i just don't get the outrage that some feel about QVC showing Christmas in July. It seems lke a pretty harmeless thing to me. There's lots of stuff that I don't care to watch on TV. But there are many channels to choose from or try turning off the TV.  Just because a few pople get upset about a show is no reason for QVC to change their program lineup. If it were not profitable they wouldn't have this year afer year. For as long as I can remember merchants have had Christmas in July sales.  Too many other things in life to worry about other than what is showing on QVC. 

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What is the big deal about criticizing Christmas in July on QVC?   Like any other topic that is on here, people have opinions.  That's the beauty of the forums -- to see how different people feel about how things are with them.   Nothing is wrong or right about it.  It is only opinions (and free speech).   We can be "The View" and "The Talk" if we want to.   Our voices are heard.   Just like we can avoid watching QVC in July if we don't care for Christmas in July, this particular topic can be avoided by ones who don't care to read certain opinions that they don't agree with.

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Registered: ‎04-03-2019

@cornicopia wrote:

What is the big deal about criticizing Christmas in July on QVC?   Like any other topic that is on here, people have opinions.  That's the beauty of the forums -- to see how different people feel about how things are with them.   Nothing is wrong or right about it.  It is only opinions (and free speech).   We can be "The View" and "The Talk" if we want to.   Our voices are heard.   Just like we can avoid watching QVC in July if we don't care for Christmas in July, this particular topic can be avoided by ones who don't care to read certain opinions that they don't agree with.

@cornicopia  First of all, there’s no such thing as free speech on the forums. This is a company’s website, and they can allow or disallow anything they like. You have no free speech here. Second, who knows why many people here hate CIJ? Do they hate Christmas in general because of what the holiday represents, or do they hate it because they are lonely at that time of year? Are they so consumed with watching QVC that they are incapable of changing the channel or doing anything else during the CIJ shows? Or, do they just enjoy engaging in negativity? This practice isn’t limited to the subject of CIJ. It seems people regularly come here to blow off some steam and let loose on certain subjects or certain contributors. Whatever the case, I have compassion for those who hate on CIJ. Anyone who takes pleasure in creating negativity about anything that Is meant to be celebrated and bring joy is discontent about something. Finding peace is a wonderful thing.

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This is my opinion, and it is only an opinion.  I love Christmas in December.

I love my birthday when that comes around.  I love Valentine's Day in February.

I love St. Patrick's Day in March.  I love all of the other holidays in their given months.

I don't see anything negative about it.


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Registered: ‎04-03-2019

@cornicopia wrote:

This is my opinion, and it is only an opinion.  I love Christmas in December.

I love my birthday when that comes around.  I love Valentine's Day in February.

I love St. Patrick's Day in March.  I love all of the other holidays in their given months.

I don't see anything negative about it.


@cornicopia  An opinion is not a random thought. It’s a judgement informed by your character and convictions. If someone starts conversations about subjects they hate, or they insert their negativity into conversations about subjects that are positive or innocuous, one might conclude that this someone is angry or unhappy. Personally, I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was an unhappy, negative person. Then again, I don’t think I would ever give them that impression. 

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SOOO ridiculous. They cant let anyone just enjoy the NOW!

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Years ago, Christmas in July was ONE day.  However, QVC has begun the "creep" so now their holiday programming begins in June.  They always have one day (at least) in June where they will do a CIJ preview.  Once July hits, it's off to the races.  They have day after day of Christmas in July and by August it's all they talk about.  Looking ahead and planning ahead, to a degree, can be fun and helpful.  But come on, already.  

It's ridiculuous, and I LOVE Christmas

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Do you remember Christmas Clubs at the bank?  One would deposit a certain amount of money into the account every week, so that by fall there was enough money to buy presents and anything else associated with the holiday.  IMO CIJ allows many people the opportunity to buy the same merchandise essentially on an installment plan, like a Christmas Club.  CIJ makes a lot of people happy, so let it be.

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Posts: 920
Registered: ‎04-03-2019

@FlowerBear wrote:

SOOO ridiculous. They cant let anyone just enjoy the NOW!

I love this new excuse to hate on CIJ. Everyone seems to be using it. If “enjoying the now” also means living paycheck to paycheck, eating whatever junk I want with no worry about my weight or health and not being prepared for a potential emergency, then please leave me out of “enjoying the now.” It fascinates me how CIJ can throw people’s “enjoying the now” off so much. I wonder how some of you handle solving two problems at once or deal with a real problem.