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Thank you for the Age of Possibility!  As a woman who has worked in TV news for more than 35 years, it is refreshing to see women over 50 being celebrated.  TV is focused on being under 50- for news stories, advertising dollars, and all marketing.  Being over 50 often means being overlooked in the workplace, retail, etc.   Today’s 50-plus is fierce, proud, strong, stylish, fun, smart, and not ready to be put on a shelf and forgotten about!  So I applaud QVC for having the courage and wisdom to celebrate women 50 plus.   For others who think this campaign is not worth it- don’t discriminate against your future self!

Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Celebrating Women 50 Plus!

"don't discriminate against your future self"?!!! Haha! I'm about to turn 70 next month and I think the majority of posters here are also way past 50. That ship has passed for manyof us.😆

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 180
Registered: ‎07-21-2018

Re: Celebrating Women 50 Plus!

This post has been removed by QVC because it is unkind

Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,357
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Celebrating Women 50 Plus!

This over 50 promotion is silly.  All QVC cares about is women spending money.  We older ladies have a more disposable income than other age groups.....they want a portion of it.


I am the same personality wise as I was all my life.  Getting older doesn't make anyone strong, fierce, fun or smart.


Women of all ages are to be celebrated, but unfortunately we don't have time.  We are all incredibly busy.


I don't plan on getting life coach advice from a shopping channel.  Just the thought cracks me up.


Ladies....time to open your wallets and jump off of the shelf.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 15,498
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Celebrating Women 50 Plus!

It just seems such a decades old idea-rah rah lift women up which women themselves have been doing for ages themselves, without the help of QVC.


All ages should be celebrated!


I don't think it is exciting because most know it is only to promote QVC, not its 50 and over customers, who awhile ago it was decided they weren't the ones to focus on but a younger crowd. Well, that didn't go over too well so back to the older customers again.


And all along, the way to celebrate someone is to give them something to celebrate-fair prices, free shipping at least more of the time, new and exciting things to actually consider buying along with favored classics, and stop encouraging hosts to scream and be "storytellers" who make it all about themselves while leaving out needed info about what they are selling.



 I'm glad you are encouraged about their campaign but I think you are unaware of the age of those you are addressing. Many who read and post here do not see 50 and over in their future because they have already gotten there or past it. I also think the disgruntlement of many over this "age of possibility," is because there has been much dissatisfaction from the way this shopping channel has been reacting to complaints and suggestions from their customers for years. So now many are 50 and over or have been for awhile. So all of a sudden they are being celebrated? 

It is another desperate marketing idea that doesn't seem very sincere.

Aside from nice views of the balcony over Vegas, nothing has changed. 


Still, they are hoping there will be some like you who will like the idea and more importantly to buy something. And if someone feels encouraged along the way, that will be nice.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Celebrating Women 50 Plus!

@on the bay .. Excellent comment.  

Trusted Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-05-2016

Re: Celebrating Women 50 Plus!

I laughed all day.  I am 65.  I have been at this company since I graduated from college. 

Almost 42 years.  I feel as strong and productive as ever.  But because of some changes at work, I need to find either a different position in the organization or I'm gone.  And that has been a big problem.  I have applied for jobss that I am definitely qualified for (or over qualified for) and I can't even get an interview. Oh we women are fierce and strong...which I do is just hard to get a job at this age.  Companies think you are ready for a nursing home.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,458
Registered: ‎02-06-2022

Re: Celebrating Women 50 Plus!

Change has to start sometime... I’m glad to see QVC started this revolution and hopefully other companies will follow suit. 🤗

It was a FUN evening with a lot of laughter!!!
Especially when Shawn and Mally were on!!! I really enjoyed it as I was shopping!! 🤗🤗🤗
Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,782
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Celebrating Women 50 Plus!

@ruthbe wrote:

I laughed all day.  I am 65.  I have been at this company since I graduated from college. 

Almost 42 years.  I feel as strong and productive as ever.  But because of some changes at work, I need to find either a different position in the organization or I'm gone.  And that has been a big problem.  I have applied for jobss that I am definitely qualified for (or over qualified for) and I can't even get an interview. Oh we women are fierce and strong...which I do is just hard to get a job at this age.  Companies think you are ready for a nursing home.



It's kind of hard to feel "empowered" when you can't even get an interview!


I'm sorry you're having to deal with this situation.  Hopefully you will be able to make the change that you want and need.💕

Regular Contributor
Posts: 209
Registered: ‎02-25-2024

Re: Celebrating Women 50 Plus!

[ Edited ]



I'm with you!  The Vegas Show was a lot of fun and entertaining.  I used to watch QVC for the entertainment factor (Irish shows, Kirks Folly, Italy, etc.) and ended up purchasing often times.  


This show was such a nice change of pace.  I enjoyed some hosts that are usually not my cup of tea.  


And that mention that Bradley Cooper was there *swoon* really surprised me!  His mom is a Diamonique devotee.  Was fun watching Kathy Levine. 


Speaking of Kathy Levine, it cracked me up when she called Jane T. "Rudy".  They told that story on their livestream a while back.