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Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info

I've always found Mally to be loud and obnoxious.  I can't remember when I last watched her.  

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Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info

Terrible show listening to Shawn & Jane talk about their personal lives.  As usual Jane had to remind us several times about her daughters being "performers".

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Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info

There’s a fine line between being young at heart and being ridiculous. Jayne B and Pat are the best. They enjoy themselves, manage the guests really well and always have great shows. I can’t watch Jane and Courtney together. Shawn is obsessed with herself and her life. I watched 5 minutes off the over 50 show and had to switch channels. The idea is great, the hosts are a train wreck.
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Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info

Jayne can handle Susan Graver. Get her Jayne

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Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info

[ Edited ]

I no longer watch QVC  so I'm not familiar with this Friday night show but it sounds terrible.  


I don't know how many of you remember Mike Rowe from his days as a QVC host.  He was usually one of the overnight hosts so he took more liberties with his hosting.  I thought he was hysterical but apparently the powers that be didn't appreciate his humor and I'm pretty sure he was let go.  


My point is that his behavior was very mild compared to what seems to be going on with QVC now and yet some of these hosts continue to be employed by the Q.  


I know that everything changes and we just have to accept that but boy do I ever miss the hosts of QVC past.  We will never again see the days of hosts like Kathy Levine, Lisa Mason, Judy Crowell and many more too numerous to mention.  


Now I just come to this page to look at the products and to enjoy the camaraderie between all of the members on this forum.  For me it's much more enjoyable than watching the hosts who make the show all about them.

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Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info

Before I cancelled cable I used to be glued to the shopping channels.

Since streaming I watch a tiny bit from my laptop and rarely buy anything. Win Win! 

I can't stand more than one host and so many hosts I can't stand anymore.

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Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info

@J Town Girl wrote:

I no longer watch QVC  so I'm not familiar with this Friday night show but it sounds terrible.  


I don't know how many of you remember Mike Rowe from his days as a QVC host.  He was usually one of the overnight hosts so he took more liberties with his hosting.  I thought he was hysterical but apparently the powers that be didn't appreciate his humor and I'm pretty sure he was let go.  


My point is that his behavior was very mild compared to what seems to be going on with QVC now and yet some of these hosts continue to be employed by the Q.  


I know that everything changes and we just have to accept that but boy do I ever miss the hosts of QVC past.  We will never see the days of hosts like Kathy Levine, Lisa Mason, Judy Crowell and many more too numerous to mention.  


Now I just come to this page to look at the products and to enjoy the camaraderie between all of the members on this forum.  For me it's much more enjoyable than watching the hosts who make the show all about them.

@J Town Girl , great post.  I, too, remember many of the hosts of the past and miss them.  Rarely, do I watch the Q anymore.

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Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info

Say whatever you will about Jen Coffey, but I think she's very good at staying on topic ie the item selling and having some fun with it. All in all I think the night times shows have been pretty fun. Admittedly I don't have a whole lot going on right now-lol!

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Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info

Jen Coffey is the worst - reminds me of a high school valley girl - if she’s on - I’m gone!

Same for Court with the horse hair; Jane with the xxxx small (yeah right); Krista, Alberti, Rachel - not a fan

Amy- Terri - Alyse- Jayne - Leah and a few more which I’m forgetting - to me - are watchable.

I don’t buy from annoying hosts nor vendors
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Cackle, cackle, cackle, not much product info


@bells4me wrote:

Terrible show listening to Shawn & Jane talk about their personal lives.  As usual Jane had to remind us several times about her daughters being "performers".

I think  Jane has seen the comments here and elsewhere and is actually vamping up the daughter talk as a way to say, I don't care people.