Posts: 35
Registered: ‎05-26-2020



I watch Carolyn because her radio voice is very soothing, plus, she knows how to present the products very well in terms of giving us complete information.  


I can (almost) put up with the Nutsy business, but not with what I interpret as somewhat of a mean streak in Gracie where she continually disses/undercuts Gary Goben, her husband and mother, then invariably follows those comments with "Just kidding!"  There is just something very, oh I don't know, hostile about Carolyn's "jokes", always at the expense of others.   



Posts: 35
Registered: ‎05-26-2020

And I tried to return to this forum with a new password but I see they have still stuck me with "Nancy Drew".


Okay, well, I'll be leaving (again) now, this time for good, which I'm sure some people will appreciate, lol.



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@Nancy Drew wrote:



I watch Carolyn because her radio voice is very soothing, plus, she knows how to present the products very well in terms of giving us complete information.  


I can (almost) put up with the Nutsy business, but not with what I interpret as somewhat of a mean streak in Gracie where she continually disses/undercuts Gary Goben, her husband and mother, then invariably follows those comments with "Just kidding!"  There is just something very, oh I don't know, hostile about Carolyn's "jokes", always at the expense of others.   




@Nancy Drew 


You are not alone in your assessment. 

Posts: 35
Registered: ‎05-26-2020



Thank you, shaggygirl.   


Gary can always fend for himself -- in fact, he knows how to return the shade, lol, but I do feel sorry for Carolyn's husband and mother who, since they are not on-air, are continually at the mercy of Gracie's passive-aggressive jabs.

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@Nancy Drew wrote:



I watch Carolyn because her radio voice is very soothing, plus, she knows how to present the products very well in terms of giving us complete information.  


I can (almost) put up with the Nutsy business, but not with what I interpret as somewhat of a mean streak in Gracie where she continually disses/undercuts Gary Goben, her husband and mother, then invariably follows those comments with "Just kidding!"  There is just something very, oh I don't know, hostile about Carolyn's "jokes", always at the expense of others.   



@Nancy DrewI have always felt that Carolyn is condescending in the tone of her voice and how she presents herself.  She is a bully to Gary.  Why say the things she does and then say "just kidding".  Why say them in the first place.


As far as her liking animals, so do a lot of other people, but I get tired of hearing about it.  And the squirrel has GOT TO GO!!  It is past time and it's ridiculous.  I don't care what the story is behind it, just get rid of it.

Posts: 35
Registered: ‎05-26-2020




People -- just to be clear -- this thread was NOT started by "Nancy Drew 1" -- she is a long-time, veteran poster who has had the misfortune of being linked to my unintentional similiar name which I have been trying, without success, to change.


My opinions about Carolyn are my own and not hers!

Posts: 35
Registered: ‎05-26-2020



Thank you, patriot.


I wonder if Carolyn feels that by saying "Just kidding", the viewers will think it's all a "schtick", much like the Nutsy/Acorn nonsense.  


I think Gracie is too good a host to indulge in this behavior.

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I find the use of stuffed animals in presentations very infantile. She might be knowledgeable in what she is selling, but her attitude comes across as very condescending(to me).  

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I always remember hearing something that goes "A TONGUE HAS NO BONES BUT IT SURE CAN BREAK A HEART"

I really don't buy "just kidding" as the person got out what she or he  wanted to be heard.


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Well-----@Nancy Drew I guess people interpret things/people the way they want.  As for me I couldn't disagree more, I think Carolyn is great !   By the way are you really leaving the boards?  I ask because since you posted you were you have had three more post, LOL, so I would guess not.really