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I placed an order on 6/13 and tried to cancel it within 2 hrs. CS said it was not possible since “in process” & shipped from manufacturer. So it’s now 6/21 and the order has still not arrived. 


Orders should be able to be canceled no matter where they’re coming from. CS assured me that I will not be charged if I return them w/ the mailing label, but still....what a hassle!

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[ Edited ]



JMO but I think QVC thrives on impulse shopping, therefore wants to give you no time to change your mind. If it really was 'in process' on the 13th with any other retailer you would have had it by now. 

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@itsmetoo wrote:



JMO but I think QVC thrives on impulse shopping, therefore wants to give you no time to change your mind. If it really was 'in process' on the 13th with any other retailer you would have had it by now. 



@itsmetoo  They may think this is a money making idea, but it will prevent me from ever ordering unless darn sure I want the item & do not plan on returning it.


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This has been going on for awhile now.  Terrible way to treat customers.  HSN at least gives you until midnight.  Certainly makes you think first! And be carefulwith the order to make sure you ordered the correct color, etc!  Bummer!!!  Hate it!  (And I'm not much of an impulse buyer!  I just think it's a tacky way to run a business.)

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@Shanus @itsmetoo Yes!  As I was reading both posts I was thinking...."If I was at a store, I'd probably walk around with the item, thinking about it.  Maybe seeing what I'd wear with it.  Sometimes I get it sometimes put it back!"


This has happened to me.  You are both so right because I've found now (since I don't NEED whatever it is) I will even dial the number...there have been times I've heard the recording (I do everything automatically) and just push the 'disconnect' button.  I've spent way too much money returning (since they charge $3 to get the thing and $6.95 to send it back (they make money on that).


There are so many things I see where they could do more business if they'd change things.  This isn't the place but what they post on the screen when trying to 'guess' the size measurements sends me flipping out......


OK .....I'll go now before I start posting on THAT!  Have a great day ladies!  It's a lovely day here in Va.  I'm off to take my teenage granddaughter to the used bookstore and then the one where I pay!  Ha!  This kid reads constantly.  Be safe.

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Another thing, don't count on not being charged when you return the item.  Check your account carefully.

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Impulse buying - absolutely - it's the key as to why Q has been so successful.  I've bought so much stuff I didn't need over 30 years.  However, now the S/H returns have proved financially beneficial.  In Q's defense you can't run a company where one minute you place order and 20 minutes later you want to cancel.  Should go back to 24 hours right to cancel.

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It is a PITA that orders cannot be cancelled, but Q is not the only one.


Recently I ordered some shirts from Walmart for my DH (a certain pocket tee he wears).  I tried to cancel the order within 30 minutes of placing it, realizing we would be away when the item would be delivered.  No good.  The order was sent out.


Moral of the story for me is to think very carefully before placing an order with anyone, and assume it cannot be cancelled.

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I placed an order on the 18th, late at night.  The next day the item came up on Lunchtime Special $20 off.  So, I called and asked if I could get the sale price because I didn't want to order another, and then have to send one back...  They said I could get the sale price, but I would have to wait until it "shipped."  HUH?  So, waiting for this item they told me was "in process of shipping" to actually ship.  It's the 21st and still not shipped yet.  Don't understand the Q's method of opperation.....  I don't have these issues at the H.  So easy there, and I can email an issue, and I get a response within 30 MINUTES!  

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey
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@fhunt ~

I shop at HSN, Vitamins, some Skincare, etc.  You can cancel there till Midnight.  If you order in the middle of the night, you have till midnight to cancel.  Now if you order at 11 pm?  You got an hour.  At least we know the rules there, WHICH MAKES IT SO MUCH EASIER to shop!  Another thing that I like over there ~ If you heart the item you just purchased (put it on your favorites list)  You will get an alert if the item goes on sale, so you can email them and get the lower price within 30 days.  

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey