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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?

Yes I am.. I prefer to shop at my local farm providers and support them.  I do not like all the added junk for sale on tv.

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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?


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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?

I do not have a green thumb and do not buy plants, etc but so many others do.  I just don't watch what I am not interested in.  QVC is not here to entertain with exciting new products that most who complain will not buy anyway even but often use watching as entertainment and as a way to criticize and post here!!

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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?

Don't worry, they will switch to selling puffer coats and boots in May~~~June @ the latest! Heart

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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?

No.  Nice change of pace.

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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?

@Drewps5co0tt wrote:

I mean ENOUGH ALREADY people!  Smiley LOL


YES!  But look at the cyclical nature of Q... Gardening. Swimsuits. Electronics. Mattresses. Make up. Christmas for 6 months. Food. Furniture. Decor. Over and over and over and over. And all more expensive that other retailers.

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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:


Well, there are other channels, you know.  In fact, there are other shopping channels. 


Pick one.


She can post her opinion just like you can.

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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?

@Drewps5co0tt wrote:

I mean ENOUGH ALREADY people!  Smiley LOL

@Drewps5co0tt.  No not sick of them because I don't watch them. 

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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?

I don't watch them either. Who in their right mind wants to garden in Arizona in the summer when it's 110 degrees anyway? 

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Re: Anyone else SICK of all the gardening shows?

Airing the gardening shows doesn't bother me, I'm not what one would call an avid viewer. I no longer would consider buying plants from them. I live in the south and the plants they offer don't necessarily thrive down here. I can get ideas, however, about what may be new so I can check my local garden centers for them. I understand that there are those who find the convenience of online shopping for plants desirable. The gardening show season is very short and I've been able to actually get a head start on cleaning up my yard so I won't be complaining.