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Someone must have been overly enthusiastic about dead fish, but I doubt it caused anxiety in the host.

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@DJs mom wrote:

@MrSour wrote:

I recently saw on the news that there was a stampede at the golden coral  buffet in Philadelphia. There was a run on the steak. It turned into a riot and brawl. The cops were called and arrests were made. Talking about a good laugh I could not stop. Haven't heard anything else about it and curious if anyone else living in the Philly area have

@MrSour I live in Philly and this happened in Bensalem, PA. A suburb of Philly. The brawl was due to a misunderstanding re a steak order.


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Wow, that brawl was really something. Apparently there was a chef cooking steak to order. The guy at the front of the line wanted a steak well done while a guy further back in the line ordered his rare. Obviously the rare steak was done first but the guy in front was angry because he thought  everyone else should wait for his time-consuming order. 


The funny thing to me was, when they interviewed the guy who got the rare steak, he said no one was really hurt. Just a bruised nose, another guy with a black eye, and another with a "lifted fingernail." Ouch!! I guess his point was no one had to be hospitalized. If I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have believed it, or unfortunately, maybe I would. The good news is with steak on the premises it could be used to treat the black eye--just hope there's no ophthalmologists in the crowd. 


Now, to the topic of the thread. It's a shame the op chose to be so disingenuous when the only point they really had was that they don't care for Rick and they want qvc to take notice.


I watched the entire presentation and so much of the original post is false. Not once did Rick look he was fencing--such a ridiculous claim. Neither did he stumble over his words or speak gibberish. Not to mention that the vendor not only never looked annoyed but she looked very pleased as she spoke. As for speaking--she barely got a word in? Yeah, ummm, not true. The vendor spoke a lot and often throughout the entire presentation. 


If the op had simply said they don't like Rick that would have at least have seemed sincere. Including all the made-up fantasies removed all credibility from the op's post and is likely what caused the anxiety.


It did get me to watch the presentation and the salmon looked delicious right down to the fried capers. It seems to be a highly praised product by some posters here who order it regularly. If posts like this keep highlighting what I'd otherwise miss I might have to give in and place an order.


Hey maybe that's what's going on here--a double agent in disguise shilling for salmon. Smiley Very Happy

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Faroe Islands website talks about aquaculture and if you read on,  you learn that the salmon are farm-raised. That's why I didn't place an order.

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@september wrote:

I'm not sure what this post has to do with anxiety.  

so...a host was overly enthusiastic, as many of them are.  

and the OP didn't like  the presentation?  

who is anxious here?

I personally have Anxiety trying to figure out where the anxiety is???

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@KG60 wrote:
We watch QVC every day. Today on Gourmet Holiday was the most nausea inducing host performance to date. When the Faroe Island salmon was presented, the host was so incredibly animated it was terrible! Mrs. Rastelli was clearly annoyed. She barely got to speak, the host could not stand still and at one point, looked like he was Fencing!! Stumbling and speaking gibberish. This is a constant with him and yet, no one at QVC notices??

I get what you mean @KG60 Some of the hosts try way too hard! I've seen him do this kind of thing. Not a good look.