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Now Spurt, note, I didn't say Saturday would be fabulous, I said it might be tolerable... And yes, I am absolutely certain the Logo Lock will make numerous appearances. After all, they have yet MORE new colors to unleash on the world... Honestly, I don't see how there can be any colors they haven't yet done...

As for the Monday line-up, my guess is that if they tweak it at all, they'll do what they should have done in the first place and that is move PMS back to it's earlier start time, keep it two hours and then have Shawn go into the Issac show... Then they'll move the awful Amy and the bag lady fashions to the later hours... I suspect they'd only tinker with the hosts if these shows prove to be utter disasters, which, for me, they are, but that's just me... Frankly, they don't have a lot of hosts to pick from who might be an improvement. And incidentally, I was never necessarily in favor of Courtney hosting PMS, but would prefer to see her hosting to Amy...

As for our snow, well, other than a few mounds, it's all gone, as the temperatures rose and today is about fifty, but with the seemingly ever-present drizzle while yesterday and Sunday were actually sunny and warmer... Ugh, I know what's coming and I am not a happy camper... just as this twice annual lunacy with the clocks makes me not a happy camper... I mean really, why? Just why?

As for your friend, the kids and grocery carts, well, yes, I think we're already seeing and will continue to see whole generations of ill behaved children because there are just no limits, they can't entertain themselves unless they're carrying a 'device' and one wonder if they even know how to interact 'in person'... Unfortunately, it does appear they do grow up and learn how to produce more of the same...

Ah Blisssssssss.... yes, the Q's excuse for 'decor' almost always involves lit this, that and the other... You really have to wonder if they actually have buyers or if there's just one bored, lonely guy sitting a computer placing the same order over and over again...

{#emotions_dlg.ohmy} {#emotions_dlg.w00t}

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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On 3/10/2015 stevieb said:

As for the Monday line-up, my guess is that if they tweak it at all, they'll do what they should have done in the first place and that is move PMS back to it's earlier start time, keep it two hours and then have Shawn go into the Issac show... Then they'll move the awful Amy and the bag lady fashions to the later hours... I suspect they'd only tinker with the hosts if these shows prove to be utter disasters, which, for me, they are, but that's just me... Frankly, they don't have a lot of hosts to pick from who might be an improvement. And incidentally, I was never necessarily in favor of Courtney hosting PMS, but would prefer to see her hosting to Amy...

{#emotions_dlg.ohmy} {#emotions_dlg.w00t}

STEVIE, another very scary thought, if the current Monday Night Lineup falls flat, what if they moved Fashionably Late to Monday!!!!......what a horror story that would be {#emotions_dlg.scared} Please let us all hope and pray it doesn't come to that!!!! {#emotions_dlg.glare}

As for the Logo Lock....if Dooney takes a cue from Sherwin Williams....they have 1500 colors, so it looks like Dooney may have only scratched the surface.....{#emotions_dlg.w00t}

Image result for how many paint colors does sherwin williams have

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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On 3/11/2015 SPURT said:
On 3/10/2015 stevieb said:

As for the Monday line-up, my guess is that if they tweak it at all, they'll do what they should have done in the first place and that is move PMS back to it's earlier start time, keep it two hours and then have Shawn go into the Issac show... Then they'll move the awful Amy and the bag lady fashions to the later hours... I suspect they'd only tinker with the hosts if these shows prove to be utter disasters, which, for me, they are, but that's just me... Frankly, they don't have a lot of hosts to pick from who might be an improvement. And incidentally, I was never necessarily in favor of Courtney hosting PMS, but would prefer to see her hosting to Amy...

<br />

{#emotions_dlg.ohmy} {#emotions_dlg.w00t}

STEVIE, another very scary thought, if the current Monday Night Lineup falls flat, what if they moved Fashionably Late to Monday!!!!......what a horror story that would be {#emotions_dlg.scared} Please let us all hope and pray it doesn't come to that!!!! {#emotions_dlg.glare}

As for the Logo Lock....if Dooney takes a cue from Sherwin Williams....they have 1500 colors, so it looks like Dooney may have only scratched the surface.....{#emotions_dlg.w00t}

Image result for how many paint colors does sherwin williams have

My goodness! "The Colors of Dooney: A 24-Hour Event"!!
~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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They've now put four or so hosts to the task of doing what one previously did... and it still looks like success is elusive... Over the longer term perhaps some will adjust to the new world order, but there are also some of us who simply say 'later for this'...

As for those hundreds of paint colors... I guess we can only hope that some of them can't be made into dye for leather handbags! Otherwise, I think we all see where this is headed...

Gosh, just so many reasons to not watch...


In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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""Christmas lights"" on sale in March--is it Christmas in July um March?

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On 3/7/2015 SPURT said:
On 3/6/2015 mewsmomtoo said: Bose products are probably THE most boring thing they sell Zzzzzz and since I only have a tiny patio, gardening isn't my thing. The financials are interesting. If I were to buy a computer off the TV (I never would), I would buy from HSN as they are consistently cheaper for the same product. As it is, Spring Training just started, the weather is gorgeous and the crowds won't start until next week so I am going to enjoy some baseball this wknd. March in Phoenix is just about heaven on Earth :-). Thx for your entertaining posts - love the pics and the writing is clever. You are one talented gal!


HSN having cheaper prices on like items doesn't surprise me, at least HSN's CEO was actually in the retail game---she came from Nordstroms....although she has also increased prices to bump up the profits (there is that nasty rumor of a merger with HSN and QVC that continues to make the rounds) I think she is protecting her backside!!! But sadly, HSN is in the same rut as the Q (electronics and beauty seem to be there main offerings these days--although they do show more home goods).....

And your 100% CORRECT---never ever ever buy a computer from TV.....been there, done that about 7 years ago--TRAGIC AND FRUSTRATING results for sure!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

Now baseball???? baseball??? heaven on earth {#emotions_dlg.confused1} I call it the cure for insomnia. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}Wink....but to each their own sport.....Me, I like football and my NBA Spurs{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}Kiss. Stevie also likes baseball......So as baseball season creeps upon us, you ladies ENJOY!!!! (they even have 2 MLB teams come here for a game---this year it's the Dodgers and Rangers---needless to say I will NOT be purchasing tickets) {#emotions_dlg.laugh}At least I still have the NFL Draft coming up in April...{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Your words are way too kind...{#emotions_dlg.blushing} You take care and have a great weekend!

Sorry if this reply is in the quote block, I am still using my phone as a computer and it does weird things...I agree that baseball is not exactly an action sport, but for me, it means summertime and sunshine and time with friends discussing not just the game, but a million other topics as the game meanders along and i swear that in many games I see something I've never seen before. Of course there are moments of great excitement and fun and disappointment like in all sports and I have so many memories of great times at the ballpark. I like football too (lucky enuf to be a 49ers fan in the 80's & 90's). I never got into the NBA, I think because I grew up with the GS Warriors who are a decent team about once every 40 years :-D Sorry to write so much in tiny print, I try to keep it short but I am not always successful!
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Spurt, Spurt, Spurt... maybe you should buy tickets to the ball game... Going to the ball park is a whole different experience than watching baseball on TV... It really is fun... Baseball isn't fast moving like basketball or like football can be (you know, between commercial time outs...) but there is excitement and it's a nice way to spend an afternoon or evening... Admittedly, it does often (but not always) lose something in the translation when watching on TV.


In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Registered: ‎03-24-2010


On 3/6/2015 stevieb said:
On 3/6/2015 SPURT said:
On 3/6/2015 stevieb said:

Oh yea, I think I'll plug a fountain in outside and watch the water freeze before it even hits the ground... and when I get bored with that, I can watch Bose blow out the candle... And by the by, that bobble head looks nothing like Dara Lynn, who, as I recall, is a bit more, uh, chunky... but hey, who cares, another bowl of suds, and another Philosophy vendor with the name 'Lyn'... must be something in the bubbles... It goes without saying there'll be no Q on around casa de moi this weekend, just as is becoming the norm almost every day... Maybe the Q could induce Mr. Mackie to bring clips from the show. They probably wouldn't sell much, but it would at least be entertaining.

Hey Stevie....I just don't know how QVC does it{#emotions_dlg.thumbdown} (and this is said with the utmost SARCASM) But I'm glad you found a way to work all those products into what looks like will be just another "fun" weekend....sorry you won't be watching nor participating........

Since Mr. Mike views the Q as an "entertainment" channel, perhaps he would consider showing those clips from Carol Burnett.....and the hosts can dress like the characters from the various skits when they pause the clips for a Q commercial.....Now who should be get to wear the curtain dress?......

To wrap up the other thread....I was shocked to see the price of the Tig bag at Stein Mart....I thought perhaps it was a faux leather since the price was so different....but nope the bag was the real thing.....Just like the bags you found at the Maxx, the same thing yet QVC had doubled the price!!!! {#emotions_dlg.glare} And then a pair of hoops that I purchased at the Q, the clasp broke....I found a replacement in silver again half the price...

And as you so eloquently stated, the discontent seems to grow and grow (does this company want to stay in n business{#emotions_dlg.confused1}.)...doesn't look like it......And customers have now figured out their smoke and mirrors new and not so improved shipping.

As far as the financials I sneaked a peak and revenue increased only 1% for the last quarter of 2014,.And increased only 2% for the full year of 2014.But their international revenue decreased 7%

Their U.S. revenue increased 5% for 4th quarter 2014 and 4% for 2014---and that was Christmas season, (and 9% increase in units sold) and of course they put all the big ticket items out there, their average price per purchase is now over $61 {#emotions_dlg.glare}....and most hilarious is that electronics continue to decline yet QVC continues to show them ad nauseum. And I think a lot of those sales were last minute probably drive by customers......But one thing I still wonder about the financial report is since QVC is lumped together with their 38% in HSN as far as separate Liberty entity QVCA, so do these financials also reflect a portion of HSN's financials too?..

HSN had a 14% increase for their 4th quarter 2014, units shipped increased 11%, and prices increased 2%. And for the full year 2014 net sales increased 7%. For Hsn sales grew in all divisions except jewelry, and grew significantly in electronics, home design, and culinary.

But I'm waiting for Shop HQ's report of their last quarter which should be out March 18, 2015 to get a true comparison....But QVC is losing money overseas---Germany for one and Japan.....and just read one of the financial rags and Europe's unemployment is 11%...good luck with your expansion Mr. Mike! {#emotions_dlg.glare} Oh well he still has Italy and China...and when will the Q get old for those markets as better retailers move into the Q's territory....

Yep I am anxious to see the first quarter for 2015.....

Interesting stuff, Spurt, especially on the financials... So it seems even the Christmas season didn't give them that much of a boost and recalling the dreadful holiday season programming and offerings, why am I not surprised... Can't wait to see what the post-Lisa numbers look like, because I'm guessing they won't be pretty... Frankly, the whole operation just begins to look increasingly like they're thrashing around trying to regain their footing and it isn't working out as well as they'd hoped... I can honestly say I almost never watch anymore. I order occasionally, usually based on things that have been around that I knew I wanted... more or less items longstanding from my wishlist and, well, to play on an overused phrase, when they're gone, I'm gone... I suppose there will be the VERY occasional NEW item to order, but chances are I won't see it on-air, since I'm not watching and, well, the stagnation just continues to be rampant... New sets and shuffling hosts and programming around coupled with a few new (and still repetitive) lines are not the stuff dreams are made of...

I was sort of shocked at the Tig bag thing... I've had to call CS a couple of times lately and during one of my calls, mentioned the Tig bags were being returned and why... I was very nice, not being snarky, as the bag issue wasn't really the reason for my call... I had a lovely and helpful CS rep. and when I mentioned this little pricing comparison, without missing a beat she gave me the company line... told me what the Q the V and the C stood for and advised me that while they aren't always they cheapest, they are the best... I decided to let it go... The same bag for half price, so how are they the best? But really, CS doesn't set the prices and they don't set policy, so there was nothing to be gained by arguing the point...

Yes, Mister Mike's version of 'entertainment' must differ greatly from mine, as must his definition of the 'best'...


Chiming in here regarding the Tig bag at TJ Maxx, I bought a nice dark red leather satchel Tig bag at TJMaxx three years ago, and I am sadly having to throw it out. Not because the leather did not hold up, it is because of the qwap plastic handles and trim. They split, cracked and peeled exposing the inner core. So now it looks terrible. The red leather looks as good as the day I bought it, and I am hard on bags. I wish they would put all leather on the handles and trim - I would gladly pay more. It is like being willing to pay more to have stainless steel buckles, etc. on saddles and girths because they don't rust!

And stevie, you are correct, the presentations of one item, e.g. the TSV in particular, are getting longer and longer, just like the southern channel. I have seen presentations last a half hour on one item on QVC!

Saving one dog won’t change the world, but it will surely change the world for that one dog
Richard C. Call
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On 3/12/2015 katiescarlett said:
On 3/6/2015 stevieb said:
On 3/6/2015 SPURT said:
On 3/6/2015 stevieb said:

Oh yea, I think I'll plug a fountain in outside and watch the water freeze before it even hits the ground... and when I get bored with that, I can watch Bose blow out the candle... And by the by, that bobble head looks nothing like Dara Lynn, who, as I recall, is a bit more, uh, chunky... but hey, who cares, another bowl of suds, and another Philosophy vendor with the name 'Lyn'... must be something in the bubbles... It goes without saying there'll be no Q on around casa de moi this weekend, just as is becoming the norm almost every day... Maybe the Q could induce Mr. Mackie to bring clips from the show. They probably wouldn't sell much, but it would at least be entertaining.

Hey Stevie....I just don't know how QVC does it{#emotions_dlg.thumbdown} (and this is said with the utmost SARCASM) But I'm glad you found a way to work all those products into what looks like will be just another "fun" weekend....sorry you won't be watching nor participating........

Since Mr. Mike views the Q as an "entertainment" channel, perhaps he would consider showing those clips from Carol Burnett.....and the hosts can dress like the characters from the various skits when they pause the clips for a Q commercial.....Now who should be get to wear the curtain dress?......

To wrap up the other thread....I was shocked to see the price of the Tig bag at Stein Mart....I thought perhaps it was a faux leather since the price was so different....but nope the bag was the real thing.....Just like the bags you found at the Maxx, the same thing yet QVC had doubled the price!!!! {#emotions_dlg.glare} And then a pair of hoops that I purchased at the Q, the clasp broke....I found a replacement in silver again half the price...

And as you so eloquently stated, the discontent seems to grow and grow (does this company want to stay in n business{#emotions_dlg.confused1}.)...doesn't look like it......And customers have now figured out their smoke and mirrors new and not so improved shipping.

As far as the financials I sneaked a peak and revenue increased only 1% for the last quarter of 2014,.And increased only 2% for the full year of 2014.But their international revenue decreased 7%

Their U.S. revenue increased 5% for 4th quarter 2014 and 4% for 2014---and that was Christmas season, (and 9% increase in units sold) and of course they put all the big ticket items out there, their average price per purchase is now over $61 {#emotions_dlg.glare}....and most hilarious is that electronics continue to decline yet QVC continues to show them ad nauseum. And I think a lot of those sales were last minute probably drive by customers......But one thing I still wonder about the financial report is since QVC is lumped together with their 38% in HSN as far as separate Liberty entity QVCA, so do these financials also reflect a portion of HSN's financials too?..

HSN had a 14% increase for their 4th quarter 2014, units shipped increased 11%, and prices increased 2%. And for the full year 2014 net sales increased 7%. For Hsn sales grew in all divisions except jewelry, and grew significantly in electronics, home design, and culinary.

But I'm waiting for Shop HQ's report of their last quarter which should be out March 18, 2015 to get a true comparison....But QVC is losing money overseas---Germany for one and Japan.....and just read one of the financial rags and Europe's unemployment is 11%...good luck with your expansion Mr. Mike! {#emotions_dlg.glare} Oh well he still has Italy and China...and when will the Q get old for those markets as better retailers move into the Q's territory....

Yep I am anxious to see the first quarter for 2015.....

Interesting stuff, Spurt, especially on the financials... So it seems even the Christmas season didn't give them that much of a boost and recalling the dreadful holiday season programming and offerings, why am I not surprised... Can't wait to see what the post-Lisa numbers look like, because I'm guessing they won't be pretty... Frankly, the whole operation just begins to look increasingly like they're thrashing around trying to regain their footing and it isn't working out as well as they'd hoped... I can honestly say I almost never watch anymore. I order occasionally, usually based on things that have been around that I knew I wanted... more or less items longstanding from my wishlist and, well, to play on an overused phrase, when they're gone, I'm gone... I suppose there will be the VERY occasional NEW item to order, but chances are I won't see it on-air, since I'm not watching and, well, the stagnation just continues to be rampant... New sets and shuffling hosts and programming around coupled with a few new (and still repetitive) lines are not the stuff dreams are made of...

I was sort of shocked at the Tig bag thing... I've had to call CS a couple of times lately and during one of my calls, mentioned the Tig bags were being returned and why... I was very nice, not being snarky, as the bag issue wasn't really the reason for my call... I had a lovely and helpful CS rep. and when I mentioned this little pricing comparison, without missing a beat she gave me the company line... told me what the Q the V and the C stood for and advised me that while they aren't always they cheapest, they are the best... I decided to let it go... The same bag for half price, so how are they the best? But really, CS doesn't set the prices and they don't set policy, so there was nothing to be gained by arguing the point...

Yes, Mister Mike's version of 'entertainment' must differ greatly from mine, as must his definition of the 'best'...


Chiming in here regarding the Tig bag at TJ Maxx, I bought a nice dark red leather satchel Tig bag at TJMaxx three years ago, and I am sadly having to throw it out. Not because the leather did not hold up, it is because of the qwap plastic handles and trim. They split, cracked and peeled exposing the inner core. So now it looks terrible. The red leather looks as good as the day I bought it, and I am hard on bags. I wish they would put all leather on the handles and trim - I would gladly pay more. It is like being willing to pay more to have stainless steel buckles, etc. on saddles and girths because they don't rust!

And stevie, you are correct, the presentations of one item, e.g. the TSV in particular, are getting longer and longer, just like the southern channel. I have seen presentations last a half hour on one item on QVC!

It just gets worse and worse...

As for that bag, KS, if the body of the bag is still good, consider taking it to a shoe shop and having the handles or straps replaced...


In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Posts: 33,870
Registered: ‎03-20-2010


On 3/12/2015 mewsmomtoo said:
On 3/7/2015 SPURT said:
On 3/6/2015 mewsmomtoo said: Bose products are probably THE most boring thing they sell Zzzzzz and since I only have a tiny patio, gardening isn't my thing. The financials are interesting. If I were to buy a computer off the TV (I never would), I would buy from HSN as they are consistently cheaper for the same product. As it is, Spring Training just started, the weather is gorgeous and the crowds won't start until next week so I am going to enjoy some baseball this wknd. March in Phoenix is just about heaven on Earth :-). Thx for your entertaining posts - love the pics and the writing is clever. You are one talented gal!


HSN having cheaper prices on like items doesn't surprise me, at least HSN's CEO was actually in the retail game---she came from Nordstroms....although she has also increased prices to bump up the profits (there is that nasty rumor of a merger with HSN and QVC that continues to make the rounds) I think she is protecting her backside!!! But sadly, HSN is in the same rut as the Q (electronics and beauty seem to be there main offerings these days--although they do show more home goods).....

And your 100% CORRECT---never ever ever buy a computer from TV.....been there, done that about 7 years ago--TRAGIC AND FRUSTRATING results for sure!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

Now baseball???? baseball??? heaven on earth {#emotions_dlg.confused1} I call it the cure for insomnia. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}Wink....but to each their own sport.....Me, I like football and my NBA Spurs{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}Kiss. Stevie also likes baseball......So as baseball season creeps upon us, you ladies ENJOY!!!! (they even have 2 MLB teams come here for a game---this year it's the Dodgers and Rangers---needless to say I will NOT be purchasing tickets) {#emotions_dlg.laugh}At least I still have the NFL Draft coming up in April...{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Your words are way too kind...{#emotions_dlg.blushing} You take care and have a great weekend!

Sorry if this reply is in the quote block, I am still using my phone as a computer and it does weird things...I agree that baseball is not exactly an action sport, but for me, it means summertime and sunshine and time with friends discussing not just the game, but a million other topics as the game meanders along and i swear that in many games I see something I've never seen before. Of course there are moments of great excitement and fun and disappointment like in all sports and I have so many memories of great times at the ballpark. I like football too (lucky enuf to be a 49ers fan in the 80's & 90's). I never got into the NBA, I think because I grew up with the GS Warriors who are a decent team about once every 40 years :-D Sorry to write so much in tiny print, I try to keep it short but I am not always successful!


That is one thing about the meandering of baseball is that you can actually have a nice conversation in between the "action"....., not so with football or NBA too much yelling and screaming {#emotions_dlg.laugh}Wink But it does sound like a nice activity for you to get together with your friends on a summer's day to discuss various topics of interest. I did go see our minor league team here a couple times....the food was good.....the mascot skits were amusing....the game not so much {#emotions_dlg.laugh}....

Oh yes moments of great excitement and disappoint...and I experienced one of those moments of DISAPPOINTMENT on Thursday Night...your team is leading the whole game, then the other team catches up, all you need to do is it a couple of free throws to put it away and ya miss and the opponent ties it up with 3 seconds to go, and we end up losing the game!!! {#emotions_dlg.angry}.....Sometimes I wonder why I am a sports fan at all!!!! Oh yes the good ole days of the 80's when my NFL team won 3 Super Bowls and after that 49ers took over from there for a while....I did love "THE CATCH" STILL can't say those words around a Cowboy fan to this day...{#emotions_dlg.laugh} PSSSTTT the Warriors are doing real good now...Wink

Your print came out just fine....and I found out a little trick in case there is a problem...for anyone with 8.1 Windows or a tablet with a keyboard....just hit CTRL and the + sign to increase the font in your browser screen.....

You have a great day MEWS and enjoy your time at the ballpark.....Wink

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”