Do you still have your credit card or did you lose it? If you lost it but did not report it you could be responsible for charges made up until you did report it. I have never lost a cc so not sure how it works.
Did this person just use your credit card number on Q to buy the camera or did they order it using your QVC account?
If they ordered using your QVC account how did they get your account number?
If you have not called your credit card company yet you need to call them ASAP. They will close your account & issue you another card number. They will transfer any charges you have outstanding on your card that you owe but not the charge for the camera.
Visa will charge it back to QVC. QVC will be out the money & the camera unless they stop shipment or have the delivery service return to sender if they can catch it.
The thief is not going to return it once they receive it.