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Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!

@Bri369 wrote:

Call your credit card company ASAP.  They will issue you a new card and get a fraud report filed so you can get your money back.


Don't keep any cards on file with QVC.

This is the best advice IMO.  This website is so poorly managed, I don't trust them w/keeping that info secure.

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Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!

You should not have to wait for the camera to come back for them to fix their mistake.  Dispute the charge with cc company and let the Q. figure out their own messes.  Certainly is not yours to clean up.  Good luck and let us know how it ends.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!

This purchase could have been made by a QVC employee, too.  Happened to me twice, once by a Saks Fifth Avenue sales person.  She charged $2,000 on my card.  The other for $125 at Etsy by an independent seller with whom I made a previous purchase.  


A few years ago, there were three attempts to use my card in one year by three separate people.  Bank of America caught all three and issued new cards. 


I use BofA's ShopSafe now.  


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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!

@GiantsLover wrote:

All the perpetrator will get if it is even brought into a U.S.A. Court is a slap on the wrist and nothing more, so Court Laws should be placed where all perpetrators are heavily fined to include getting those monies paid from any source of income they may have, or income they will  receive in the future, expect for their Social Security payments which cannot be touched by anyone but the Government for back taxes still owed, and the person who actually owns the account.



Well guess what these thieves will keep doing it since they know they can get away with it.

Someone used the OP Visa card to buy a camera from Q. QVC is the company out the money not the OP since they let this person buy it without the credit card. QVC will not go after this person because it will cost too much time & money.

This is the information the fraud Dept with Discover Card gave me when someone used my card several years ago. Since I still had my card & the person that used it to pay bills & purchase stuff over the Internet all those stores are the ones that lost money not Discover. They charge it all back to those stores. The stores don't do anything about it because it costs too much money.

They even knew who was using my Discover card since they person paid utility bills with it also ordered business cards online??? Makes me furious.

I told Discover I wanted the persons name that used my card & he asked why did I want that. I told him I wanted to take a baseball to him. He said if I wanted the info I would have to get a court order.

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Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!

@Carmie wrote:

@Kachina624   Customer Service at QVC as well as any other company cannot just refund money for an item they sent out without having the item returned.


They advised the OP to call her CC company which is the proper procedure. Her bank will get involved and straighten this out....probably eating the charge and getting a tax write off.


it doesn't seem like anything is fishy here to me.



From what I was told by Discover when someone used my card the back won't eat it QVC will have to eat it. Visa will charge it back to Q.

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Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!



Do you still have your credit card or did you lose it? If you lost it but did not report it you could be responsible for charges made up until you did report it. I have never lost a cc so not sure how it works.

Did this person just use your credit card number on Q to buy the camera or did they order it using your QVC account?

If they ordered using your QVC account how did they get your account number?

If you have not called your credit card company yet you need to call them ASAP. They will close your account & issue you another card number. They will transfer any charges you have outstanding on your card that you owe but not the charge for the camera.

Visa will charge it back to QVC. QVC will be out the money & the camera unless they stop shipment or have the delivery service return to sender if they can catch it.

The thief is not going to return it once they receive it.

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Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!

@HXGirl wrote:
I’ve been shopping with QVC for over 20 years but am feeling very concerned at the moment. The Visa card I have on file for my account was used by another QVC customer to buy a camera for over $1800 on Sunday. As I did not make this purchase or authorize it in any way I called QVC to see what had happened. I just received a call back from a supervisor who explained that once they received the camera back I would get my refund! I naturally did not agree with this and was then told I needed to dispute the charge with my Visa card company to get my money back via their dispute process. Again I disagreed as I find it highly suspicious that somehow my card was used for another member’s purchase. I reviewed my credit card charges and there are no other fraudulent charges which make me think it could be an internal QVC mix up. Irregardless, I think I’m due an explanation as to how this could have happened plus an immediate refund. Otherwise, how can I feel secure keeping my credit cards on file? I’m posting this as a heads up for other customers to check their credit card charges. It’s no joke having an $1800 charge appear and be stuck on your credit card!

The charges should be disputed with your credit card company not QVC. They would have immediately cancelled the card, and started an investigation.  You should not care about QVC at this juncture. It's the credit card company that you should be dealing with.

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Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!

@Kachina624 wrote:

Why wouldn't she have called her cc company immediately without being told to do so by the Q supervisor and a dozen posters here.....unless she didnt want to get soneone in trouble?  That would have been my first action.

I don't understnad it either!


If I have a problem with my Visa or Master card the very first thing that I do is contact them!  Why contact QVC?  What are they supposed to do?

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Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!

@Foxxee wrote:

This purchase could have been made by a QVC employee, too.  Happened to me twice, once by a Saks Fifth Avenue sales person.  She charged $2,000 on my card.  The other for $125 at Etsy by an independent seller with whom I made a previous purchase.  


A few years ago, there were three attempts to use my card in one year by three separate people.  Bank of America caught all three and issued new cards. 


I use BofA's ShopSafe now.  


@Foxxee   Independent sellers on Etsy do NOT have access to buyers' credit card information!  I know because I have been an Etsy seller for over 11 years.

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Re: $180O Unauthorized Charge!

@Kachina624 wrote:

Why wouldn't she have called her cc company immediately without being told to do so by the Q supervisor and a dozen posters here.....unless she didnt want to get soneone in trouble?  That would have been my first action.



@Kachina624    could it be because you're just more credit card savvy than OP?

She didn't connect it with credit fraud.

She falsely connected it with human error that started and ended at QVC.