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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

@kelsey17 We're not those countries you mentioned, and I can do without "the gub-ment" expressing its "concern" about, now, which breeds of dog I choose to own.

I've never had a pit bull. But every one I've known has been a gentle, family dog. That canard which pit bull detractors are sick of hearing, that pits are gentle "until they're not" can apply to ANY breed.

Owners need to do their homework on all breeds, especially larger dogs which require greater care, supervision, and which are able to inflict much more damage. With few exceptions, these pit bull attacks are the result of irresponsibility on the owner's part, and poor training. And let's talk turkey: some get these "bully breeds" to do just that--to be a tough guy's neighborhood menace.

The problem is with the owner(s), not the dog. And that applies to all breeds, including pit bulls.

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

[ Edited ]

Any small dogs can main and really hurt others.

My Aunt was severly bitten by a minature poodle (11 lbs). She dropped something under the table and removed her slippers amd bent dpwm t retrieve it and the poodle attacked her foot. I had a heck of a time trying to pry his mouth open to release her foot, but he finally did. What was really frightening was he was chaking her foot very hard and fast from side to side whiich is the way they tear meat in the wild.......and here too!


At times in the past he would become aggressive so I warned her to return him and pick out a very docile pet from a vet's office where they have many pet donations.


That poodle was adorable and smart and at times very affectionate, but when you least expected it he would go beserk and aim that agression at the closest person near him.


I have had over many decades 19 dogs, cats, birds, turtles, goldfish, frogs, etc and not one ever attacked anyone except for the minature  poodle.


Sometimes even a small dog cannot be stopped. It depends on how territorial and agressie they have become.

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

@GiantsLover wrote:

Any small dogs can main and really hurt others.

My Aunt was severly bitten by a minature poodle (11 lbs). She dropped something under the table and removed her slippers amd bent dpwm t retrieve it and the poodle attacked her foot. I had a heck of a time trying to pry his mouth open to release her foot, but he finally did. What was really frightening was he was chaking her foot very hard and fast from side to side whiich is the way they tear meat in the wild.......and here too!


At times in the past he would become aggressive so I warned her to return him and pick out a very docile pet from a vet's office where they have many pet donations.


That poodle was adorable and smart and at times very affectionate, but when you least expected it he would go beserk and aim that agression at the closest person near him.


I have had over many decades 19 dogs, cats, birds, turtles, goldfish, frogs, etc and not one ever attacked anyone except for the minature  poodle.


Sometimes even a small dog cannot be stopped. It depends on how territorial and agressie they have become.

Small dogs can and do inflect a great deal of damage and pain when they bite.  Media doesn't cover those stories so in the minds of many they do not exist.  FYI cats can be very agresstive and bite/scratch also, but you never see those stories either.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

It's ridiculous to even attempt to compare the damage inflicted by small dogs with that inflicted by large dogs. 


Some of the smallest breeds have a reputation as "biters."  Despite that fact, you won't see them on insurance company lists or apartment lists, as banned breeds. Their teeth are smaller, their mouths are smaller, and they don't have the weight and musculature which, in the case of large, aggressive breeds, precludes getting them off/away from the victim. And that comparison is the reason why.

What worries you masters you.
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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

[ Edited ]

@Moonlady wrote:

It's ridiculous to even attempt to compare the damage inflicted by small dogs with that inflicted by large dogs. 


Some of the smallest breeds have a reputation as "biters."  Despite that fact, you won't see them on insurance company lists or apartment lists, as banned breeds. Their teeth are smaller, their mouths are smaller, and they don't have the weight and musculature which, in the case of large, aggressive breeds, precludes getting them off/away from the victim. And that comparison is the reason why.

Biting is biting, aggression is aggression.  To sit there and make excuses for small dogs is ridiculous. I would not want or expect to be bitten be a small dog anymore than a large one, so why give them a pass.  Appropriate action should be taken with any dog with a history of aggression or biting.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

@ CrazyDaisy Who's giving aggressive small dogs with a history of biting a pass?🤔 Who's saying that anyone would want or expect to be bitten by even a small dog? 🤔🤔Who's saying that appropriate action *shouldn't* be taken against any dog--small or large-- with a history of biting?🤔🤔🤔 Whose post(s) are you verklemmt about?

Re-read mine. It refers only to the ridiculous assertion that small dogs inflict injuries comparable to those of larger breeds. They DON'T, and that's a fact. And, as I said, that's borne out and reflected in the insurance industry and housing bans on large breeds.

As I also posted earlier, I've never known an aggressive pit bull, though I know they exist to be a danger, and that's attributable to irresponsible owners who don't properly supervise their dogs, and those who acquire "bully breeds" for the very purpose of making them aggressive.

Stop the insanity. Small dogs do bite, but the damage they inflict, for the reasons I stated earlier, are in no way comparable to those inflicted by large dogs.

And, as Martha Stewart might say, reading comprehension is a good thing. 😉

What worries you masters you.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,912
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

@Moonlady wrote:
@ CrazyDaisy Who's giving aggressive small dogs with a history of biting a pass?🤔 Who's saying that anyone would want or expect to be bitten by even a small dog? 🤔🤔Who's saying that appropriate action *shouldn't* be taken against any dog--small or large-- with a history of biting?🤔🤔🤔 Whose post(s) are you verklemmt about?

Re-read mine. It refers only to the ridiculous assertion that small dogs inflict injuries comparable to those of larger breeds. They DON'T, and that's a fact. And, as I said, that's borne out and reflected in the insurance industry and housing bans on large breeds.

As I also posted earlier, I've never known an aggressive pit bull, though I know they exist to be a danger, and that's attributable to irresponsible owners who don't properly supervise their dogs, and those who acquire "bully breeds" for the very purpose of making them aggressive.

Stop the insanity. Small dogs do bite, but the damage they inflict, for the reasons I stated earlier, are in no way comparable to those inflicted by large dogs.

And, as Martha Stewart might say, reading comprehension is a good thing. 😉

Stop trying to make Bully breeds the villain, they are not.  ALL dogs will bite and are a danger if they do.  Just because the media chooses not to report on the numerous dog bites and only capitalize on the bully breeds for headlines, does not make it so.  Ask anyone who works in an ER and see how many very nasty dog bites they see from all breeds.  You should see how much damage a chihuahua can do to a child's face or a Jack Russel to a leg.  You would not be so smug if you had.  Each dog is individual and deserves to be treated fairly, without the prejudices people continue to repeat simply because of how they look.



Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

A pit bull is not a breed of dog.  That is the name given to various types of dog and that is why you can see pictures of dogs labeled as a pit bull and they all look very different.  


I am 100% against breed specific legislation and have gone to various hearings and town meetings to fight against it.

